Los mandatos: el imperativo In Spanish all commands, positive or negative go back to the present tense “Yo” form of the verb, drop the “o” and add the opposite endings (EXCEPT when commanding the “tu” and “vosotros” positively. Positive command: Eat your vegetables! Negative command: Don’t eat dirt!
So what tense/time period are we talking about? We make commands in the present! –How do you conjugate verbs in the present? -AR Verbs -o -as -a -amos -áis -an -ER Verbs -o -es -e -emos -éis -en -IR Verbs -o -es -e -imos -ís -en
Things to remember There is no such thing as a “Yo” command To make all commands we… –Go to the YO –Drop the ‘O’ –Add the opposite appropriate endings AR verbs use ER endings ER/IR verbs use AR endings (see the next page) Positive ‘tú’ & ‘vosotros’ forms are different –Positive tú: go to the normal tú form drop ‘s’ –Positive vosotros: take the infinitive, drop ‘r’, add ‘d’
Sample conjugations Tomar Tomemos No tomemos Toma No tomes Tomad No toméis Tome No tome Tomen No tomen Leamos No leamos Lee No leas Leed No Leáis Lea No lea Lean No lean Leer
Samples continued… Escribir escribamos No escribamos Escribe No escribas Escribid No esbribáis Escriba No Escriba Escriban No escriban
4 things to remember Commands are in the present tense Most commands go to the yo, drop the o, and add opposite appropriate endings + Tú commands: go to the tú form regular present tense and drop the ‘s’ + Vosotros commands: take the infinitive, drop the ‘r’, and add ‘d’
4 problems that I have 1.Spelling changes Car / Gar / Zar verbs –AR verbs that end in C, G, & Z will have problems. Ie…tocar, jugar, cazar –To keep the correct spelling we need to change some letters around. Tocar = no toques, toque, toquemos, toquen Jugar = no jugues, jugue, juguemos, juguen Cazar = no caces, cace, cacemos, cacen
4 problems that I have 2. Go verbs & their +tú forms –My problem is: irregular tú commands Ten, ven, pon, sal, di, ve, haz, y sé con accento. –These irregulars are mostly inside of the go verbs! Venir vengamos No vengamos Ven No vengas Venid No vengáis venga No venga vengan No vengan
4 problems that I have 3. Irregulars –Remember this chant: Sepa, sea, haya, dé, esté, vaya Saber, ser, haber, dar, estar, ir –These six verbs continue the same pattern that we are used to: example…? Ser seamos No seamos Sé No seas Sed No seáis sea No sea sean No sean
4 problems that I have Stem-changers –Because we are working in the present tense… we need to remember that we occasionally have stem-changers…aka boot verbs. –This means that we won’t stem-change in the nosotros nor vosotros forms. Almorzar almorcemos No almorcemos Almuerza No almuerces Almorzad No almorcéis almuerce No almuerce almuercen No almuercen