Please sit in your birthday month area. febrero, agosto, dici. marzo, nov, julio enero, mayo, sept. abril, junio, oct
ALC 80 Hoy es viernes el 16 de mayo de Write an infinitive for each type of basic verb endings in Spanish. 2.Write an infinitive in English. 3.Conjugate a verb in Spanish according to the third person subject pronoun “she”. 4.Conjugate a verb in Spanish according to the second person subject pronoun “you”. 5.Conjugate a verb in Spanish according to the first person subject pronoun “I”. 6.Conjugate a verb in Spanish according to the third person subject pronoun “he”.
Ejemplos de respuestas Hoy es viernes el 16 de mayo de Un verbo que termina en AR, ER, IR. Hablar, comer, vivir. 2.Un verbo que comienza con “to…”. To talk, to eat, to live. 3.Ella habla, ella come, ella vive 4.Tú hablas, tú comes, tú vives 5.Yo hablo, yo como, yo vivo 6.Él habla, él come, él vive
Objetivo Hoy es viernes el 16 de mayo de Content objective I can write sentences of five words or more on my benchmark test. Language objective I will be able to read the directions and understand what I am to write about on the benchmark test. I will write organized sentences that have 5 or more words when possible.
Saca una hoja para el examen # nombre viernes el 16 de mayo Español Pd___ Spanish Benchmark Level 1/2
Bienvenida 1.Do the bienvenida with your cards and a person of your choice from your section. 2.Write the time on the first line of your benchmark test paper.
Bienvenida 1.Do the bienvenida with your cards and a person of your choice from your section. 2.Write the time on the bottom right hand corner of the word search.
Benchmark 1.The only thing allowed on your desk is your paper and a pencil/pen. 2.Electronic devices are not allowed.
Benchmark 1.Get a copy of the benchmark off the table. 2.Please do not write on the paper.
Benchmark 1.Follow along as we read the information. 2.Write as much as you can, up to one page only, on the topic in an organized manner.
When you have completed the test, 1.Quietly turn your paper in on the table in one neat stack. 2.Turn in the original copy of the test in order in another neat stack according to the number. 3.Get a word search. 4.Work on the word search alone and without speaking until everyone has completed the benchmark.
Please make sure the papers are separated and in order. Rosado Azul Amarillo Verde Rojo
Please be sure to get a word search.