By Callum Chisholm
This food is called a Prickly Chayote, found it interesting because it looks like some of the cacti I saw in Utah. Esto es interesante porque es verde.
This food is called Poblano Peppers, I found it interesting because it looks like a giant Jalapeño. Esto es interesante, porque esto al lado de corn husk.
This is a corn husk, I found it interesting because I had never seen one not on a tamale. Esto es interesante porque la comida cocineros entre le husk.
This food is called Yuca, It is interesting to me because it is in the same area as the potatoes. Esto es interesante porque se ver como la parsnip.
These area assorted hot peppers, I found them interesting because they were sold like candy. Esto es interesante porque esto es muy caliente.