MFL The Immediate Future Tense In English: I am going to play The Immediate Future Tense is formed by using The verb ir + a + infinitive voy vas va vamos vais van a jugar comer vivir Therefore voy a jugar =I am going to playvamos a comer =We are going to eatVan a vivir =They are going to live
MFL The Future Tense In English: I will play I will be playing The Future Tense is formed by using infinitive + ending hablar beber recibir é ás á emos éis án Beberemos = We will drink Recibiré = I will receive Hablarán = They will speak He will drink = Beberá Hablaré = I will speak Recibiréis = You (pl) will receive
MFL What makes the Future Tense easy to use ? All infinitives use the same endings. What makes the Future Tense more tricky ? There are 11 irregular verbs in the Future Tense
MFL Irregular Verbs in the Future Tense: caber decir hacer poder poner querer saber salir tener valer venir to fit to say / tell to do / make to be able to put to want to know (a fact) to go out to have to be worth to come cabré, cabrás, …. diré haré podré pondré querré sabré saldré tendré valdré vendré The endings are the same as for the regular verbs, but a future stem is used instead of the infinitive.
MFL Some practice…… caber decir hacer poder poner querer saber salir tener valer venir cabré diré haré podré pondré querré sabré saldré tendré valdré vendré He will know We will say You (sg) will have They will be able You (pl) will go out sabrá diremos tendrás podrán saldréis