Let’s enjoy places Session 6
Let’s Enjoy Places – Session 6 All vocabulary from Sessions 1-5 Je vous présente… - I present to you… c’est génial – it’s great c’est super – it’s super c’est utile – it’s useful c’est beau – it’s beautiful c’est intéressant – it’s interesting c’est impressionnant – it’s impressive c’est facile à comprendre – it’s easy to understand c’est correct – it’s correct Classroom language: qu’en pensez-vous ? – what do you think of it?
Phonics Focus French intonation/stress and pronunciation of words that are similar to English e.g. extraordinaire super intéressant impressionnant
Grammar Focus C’est + adjective to give an opinion Note that the adjective after c’est is always masculine singular, e.g. C’est intéressant If the noun is mentioned, the adjective must agree with it, e.g. C’est beau = it’s beautiful BUT C’est une belle image = it’s a beautiful picture
Teaching Tips Asking other learners to give feedback can be a useful way to get them to listen attentively to each other. The feedback can be focused by asking them to look for specific qualities (is it interesting/useful/beautiful?) and to express their opinions in the target language.
Do One Thing! Teach your class some phrases they can use to give feedback on each other’s work and regularly ask them ‘Qu’en pensez-vous?’ Congratulate yourself on how much French you can produce to talk about a place! Reflect on how you achieved this. Think about how you could break down into small steps what you now know, and teach it to your class Research a Francophone country and present a series of lessons on it, based on the language and the teaching strategies you have learned
Ensemble Languages Project, for the Ensemble Languages Project, Ensemble_Let ’ s Enjoy Places Session 6 Summary This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License: