THE EUROPEAN ADMINISTRATIVE SCHOOL Why it was set up Increased importance of training and development The administrative reform of the Commission Inter-institutional cooperation Its added value To promote cooperation among the institutions To spread common values and exchange best practice To extend the training offer and guarantee a « quality label » To create synergies in the use of resources
TRAINING : WHO DOES WHAT IN THE INSTITUTIONS? Departmental training units Central training units in institutions The inter-institutional EAS Internal and external delivery
The role of the EAS Shared responsibilities Sole responsibility Training of new staff Training for managers or potential managers Sole responsibility Career development procedure (certification) Services on demand against payment Specific requests from an institution or agencies Advice and expertise
The School’s new programmes For new staff A box of skills For management : A structured programme from basic team leader to top management
Certification An entirely new procedure for career development resulting from the new staff regulations Candidates selected within each institution About six weeks course-based training and 10 days individual work 4 examinations Successful candidates can apply for posts as administrators
The Training Programme Candidate numbers for 2006/7 151 candidates from all institutions and one EU agency Aim To help candidates acquire the skills they need to become successful administrators and to prepare them for the examinations
The Skills Understanding and exploiting information Analysing and problem solving Negotiation Managing meetings
The Skills Effective writing Developing effective groups and teams Personal effectiveness Getting the best from colleagues Verbal communication
The examinations Assessment by observation : group problem-solving (E1) Preparing a briefing note (E2) Making a presentation in public (E3) An in-tray exercise (E4)
Assessment by observation (E1) Individual preparation based on briefing and then work in groups of 5-6 candidates The aim is to test negotiation and persuasion skills, reasoning powers and creativity, and interpersonal skills Subject matter in 2006/7: “European Council School budget meeting”
Preparing a briefing note Preparation of a briefing note on the basis of information contained in a file supplied to candidates The aim is to test candidates’ ability to analyse and solve problems, to think strategically and see the big picture, and to write effectively Texts prepared on PC File used in 2006/7: Phoenician Princess Airways – the problem of the route
Make a public presentation (E3) 10-12 minutes presentation on a general topic communicated to candidates two weeks in advance 10-minutes question and answer session with the examining board The aim is to test ability to find and process information, to present a case logically and coherently, and to communicate convincingly
An inbox exercise (E4) Candidates have to cover for a sick colleague, deal with their incoming e-mails and write a summary of how they have handled them The aim is to test ability to organise and prioritise, to solve problems, to demonstrate customer service skills, and to summarise clearly in writing
Key Figures 2005/6 2006/7 Institution N° of candidates Successful candidates Parliament 20 12 14 11 Council 5 2 3 Commission 116 84 113 63 Court of Justice Court of Auditors 9 6 Economic and Social Committee 4 1 Committee of the Regions Others Total 157 109 151 88