LE MUSÉE D’ART DE COLUMBUS La visite du 2 mars 2012: CIHS: Fr. 3 et 4
(En anglais:) 6 Things Students Need to Know… 1. You don’t need to whisper in the museum. In fact, we want you to ask questions, have conversations, and give your opinion.
2. Some of our paintings and sculptures are very old and all of them are fragile. It is important to keep a respectful and safe distance from the artwork (at least 1 foot away). Help remind each other and your chaperones not to touch the artwork.
3. You can take photographs while at the Museum, but we ask that you do not do so while on a tour. When you take photos, please do not use the flash (bright light can hurt the art) and check with a gallery associate to make sure that the Museum owns the work of art (these are the only works of art that may be photographed)..
4. Exploring the museum is more fun with friends. Stay with your group so you have someone to talk to about the art. Wear your name tag.
5. Leave your backpacks at school or on the bus. You will need only a pen or pencil, camera phone... and your brain!
6. Try to slow down in the Museum. You can see the art better if you walk rather than run.
(en français)Quelques oeuvres du musée et de la collection Sirak:
Sunflowers in the windstorm by Nolde
Boatyard at Saint Memmes by Sisley
Christine Leroll Embroidering by Renoir
Houses at the foot of a cliff by Degas
Melanie the schoolteacher by Soutine
View of Saint Germain by Klee
View of Bennecourt by Monet
Thoughtful by Klee
Portuguese woman by Delauney
The Assassination by Ensor
‘The Assassination’ hanging in the Sirak home
L’oeuvre favori de Mme Schulté:
Currents by Latifa Echakhch
Columbus Views
Ground control: File on motor transgression
... Et beaucoup plus! (La Fin)