Gustar = “to like”
Me gusta = I like… Use this structure when talking about only ONE thing or ONE activity
Me gusta tu mochila. Me gusta el burrito. Me gusta el gato. Me gusta tu casa. Me gusta SJHS.
Me gustan = I like… Use this structure when talking about MORE THAN ONE thing or activity
Me gustan las mochilas. Me gustan los burritos. Me gustan los gatos. Me gustan los perros.
1. I like your dad. 2. I like the class. 3. I like the classes. 4. I like your parents. 5. I don’t like the book. 6. I like pens. 7. I don’t like pencils.
Write 6 sentences telling what you like and don’t like to DO (activities, verbs). Write 6 sentences telling what THINGS you like (nouns)
Te gusta(n) = You like
Le gusta(n) = He/She likes
Nos gusta(n) = We like
Les gusta(n) = They/You all like
1. We like cats. 2. Do you like cats? 3. My dad likes my teacher. 4. My parents like the school. 5. The students don’t like the textbook.