Irregular and Stem-changing Preterite Verbs Introduction: Review of Spanish Sounds
Objectives for this Presentation By the end of this presentation, you should be able to answer the following questions, and complete the following tasks: Accurately pronounce the letters “C” and “G” in front of different vowels. Explain what two letters can’t be “friends” in Spanish. Which pronoun is the ONLY one that changes in the preterite if the verb ends in –CAR, -GAR or –ZAR How to conjugate these verbs in the preterite. 5. Explain what a SANDAL verb is in Spanish stem-changing verbs in the preterite. 6. Conjugate the stem-changing verbs in the Preterite that are in the list.
Consonante Especial: C C→a, o, u = ka ko ku C→e, i = se, si Casa (house) Cinco(five) Celoso (jealous) Ciencias (science) Cicatriz (scar)
Consonante Especial: G G→a, o, u = “ga, go, gu” G→e, i = “je, ji” Gaviota (seagull) Gallo (rooster) Gemelo (twin) Gimnasio (gymnasium) Gigante (giant)
La Letra Loca: Z (Zeta) In most countries, the “Z” sounds like the English “S” In Spain, the “Z” makes a “th” sound Spanish does not like for the letter “Z” to be friends with the vowel “E”! Soooo, when the two are together in a word, the Z changes to a C! Crazy, hu?!! There are very, very few words in Spanish that have a “z” next to the vowel “e” This is important as we look at our next set of crazy preterite verbs – group #3.
Verbos – Preterito IRREGULAR GRUPO #4 This Group of Funky-Chicken Irregular Verbs only Change in the YO form!!! All of the other conjugations are conjugated just like a REGULAR –AR Verb. The Left Side of your blank sheet of construction paper is where you will take notes on this Group of Verbs. These verbs change because of the pronunciation rules that we just reviewed on the previous slide – that is, they all change a letter in the YO form in order to maintain the correct pronunciation of the sound of –G, -C, or –Z not being able to be friends with “e”. Watch the following video and take notes on the LEFT side of your Blank Construction Paper.
Stem-changing verB IN preterite (PART I, Intro) REVIEW and REMEMBER! Don’t write anything down! Remember that we learned in the PRESENT tense there are stem-changing verbs that occur in three primary ways: O changes to UE, like ALMORZAR, (sometimes it may be a U to a UE, like in JUGAR) E changes to I, for example, verbs like SEGUIR, PEDIR E changes to IE, for example, like CERRAR, ENTENDER Remember, also we call these BOOT verbs because the pronouns that undergo the stem-change are shaped like a boot. In other words, all the conjugations change, EXCEPT the NOSOTROS form…
Stem-changing verB IN preterite (PART 2) On the right side of your colored construction paper, you will take notes on this slide… First point, the stem-changing verbs in the present tense are USUALLY not stem-changing in the PRETERITE. How do you know which ones are? MEMORIZE THEM!! Second point, stem-changing verbs in the preterite are not Boot Verbs, but are SANDAL VERBS. Third point, the stem-change ONLY HAPPENS IN 3rd person Singular and Plural Conjugations, which means, only the el/ella/ud form and the ellos/ellas, uds. Form. Finally, Watch this video to see exactly what I mean. You need to memorize the following list of verbs that are stem-changing in the Preterite: DORMIR 6. PEDIR MORIR 7. PREFERIR SERVIR 8. REPETIR PERDIR 9. COMPETIR SEGUIR
NOW IT’s Time TO PRACTICE!! Go to Login and then select “Spanish verbs” and practice the exercises #9, and #10. Verbs in #10 are the verbs we learned in class, #9 are the ones contained in this PowerPoint. Suerte!!