Madison Fleischaker Mrs. T’s Class
Unit 1 Donde te gusta leer? Me gusta leer en la biblioteca! StatementQuestionAnswer 1 I can tell you what activities I like to do outside. ¿Qué te gusta hacer al aire libre? o afuera de la casa? (al aire libre = outside) Me gusta…nadar, jugar, correr, montar bicicleta. I like…to swim, to play, to run, to ride bikes. 2 I can tell you what activities that I do not like to do outside. ¿Qué no te gusta hacer? No me gusta… nadar, jugar, correr, montar bicicleta. I do not like…to swim, to play, to run, to ride bikes. 3 I can tell you my what activities I like to do inside ¿Qué te gusta hacer en la casa? Me gusta…leer, mirar la televison, jugar juegos, bailar I like…to read, to watch tv, to play games, to dance 4 I can tell you activities that I do not like to do inside ¿Qué no te gusta hacer en la casa? No me gusta… leer, mirar la televison, jugar juegos, bailar. I do not read, to watch tv, to play games, to bailar. 6 I can tell you where I like to ________. ¿Dónde (Where?) te gusta _(activity)__ ? En la casa, en el parque, en la biblioteca, al aire libre in home, at the park, at the library, outside 7 I can tell you what activities I like to do with my friends. ¿Qué te gusta hacer con tus amigos? Me gusta _____ con mis amigos. I like to…with my friends. Me gusta nadar con mis amigos. I like to swim with my friends.
Unit 2 Que te gusta en la communidad? Me gusta jugar en la communidad!
Unit 3 Que te gustaria comer? Me gustaria comer caramelos!
Unit 4 Me gusta comer las manzanas ! Que te gusta comer?
Unit 5 Que te da miedo? Me dan miedo una abeja!
What is a strategy I learned this year? 1 Strategy A strategy I used was talking and practicing with my dad. I liked to quiz my dad. There were a couple of answers he didn’t know. One question I asked him and he answered a word I didn’t know! We both learned from it.
It is important to learn another language. The reason I think is it important to learn another language is gives you more traveling options. I want to travel when I grow up. If I know more than one language it will be easier to understand the people there. I like seeing animals in their natural habitats so I would enjoy seeing people speak their “natural language.” Why is it important to learn another language?