Quasimodo: Today we will be splitting the class into two groups. Half the class time you will be in another room with your classroom monitor working online on some review items for the test next week. The other half of the class time you will be working with me.
1 st hour: You will start in the following places: Las cebras y los osos pandas Media lab Los tigres, tiburones, y monos Classroom
While out of the classroom… You will work on the activities given to you INDIVIDUALLY and SILENTLY. You will stay on task and be respectful to those around you. You will work hard to use this time to the best of your ability.
4 th hour: You will start in the following places: Las cebras y los tigres Mr. VB’s room with chrome books Los osos pandas, tiburones, y monos Classroom
While out of the classroom… You will work on the activities given to you INDIVIDUALLY and SILENTLY. You will stay on task and be respectful to those around you. You will work hard to use this time to the best of your ability.
5 th hour: You will start in the following places: Los tiburones, osos pandas, y monos library computers Los tigres y las cebras Classroom
While out of the classroom… You will work on the activities given to you INDIVIDUALLY and SILENTLY. You will stay on task and be respectful to those around you. You will work hard to use this time to the best of your ability.
Tarea: 1. The desk is next to the window. El escritorio está al lado de la ventana. 2. We are in the library. Estamos en la biblioteca. 3. The books are on top of the desk. Los libros están encima del escritorio. 4. The eraser is near to the marker. El borrador está cerca del marcador 5. We are far from the clock. Estamos lejos del reloj. 7. Juana is in the Spanish classroom. Juana está en el aula de español.
I take the Spanish class. Yo tomo la clase de español.
He takes the Spanish class. Él toma la clase de español.
We take the English class. Nosotros tomamos la clase de inglés.
The pens are to the right of the book. Las plumas están a la derecha del libro.
They are from Hudsonville. They are in Hudsonville. Ellos son de Hudsonville. Ellos están en Hudsonville.