Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Use of Analysis Tools Geant4 Workshop 2004, Catania Susanna Guatelli, INFN Genova
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Java Analysis Studio PI AIDA AIDA & Analysis Tools Interface to AIDA No dependence Minimize coupling of components Through abstract interfaces
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Interfacing to Geant4 The analysis tools compliant with AIDA interfaces currently are: –PI –JAS (Java Analysis Studio) –Open Scientist Lab
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 How to produce 1D histograms 2D histograms Ntuple
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Analysis dynamic flow
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Present situation Use of AIDA and PI Create xml and hbook file containing –Histograms –Data point sets –Ntuples
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Interactive analysis tool Lizard / Grace is not maintained anymore HyppoDraw – We have to test and start to use it – It is possible to plot 2D histograms – Not usable in batch mode
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Comments More coordination between Geant4 Collaboration and the analysis Group AIDA and PI are the analysis standards of the Geant4 advanced examples –The analysis Groups should respect the time schedule (fixed to be compatible with the Geant4 releases)
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Suggestion Add new functionality and not remove functionality: Plotting is not available anymore in the Geant4 applications This is not the first time of removing functionality: –the capability of plotting 2D histograms was remove in the passage from the QPlotter to Grace; –the management of ntuples disappeared for few months This behaviour should be deprecated
Susanna GuatelliGeant4 Workshop 2004 Conclusions Fruitful collaboration –Analysis Groups are open to Geant4 User Requirements and collaborative –Geant4 Collaboration provides feedback on the analysis tools Explore, use, compare all the AIDA – compliant analysis tools Thanks to the analysis Groups for the user support !