© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-1 Punto di partenza The verbs andare (to go), dare (to give), fare (to do; to make), and stare (to be; to.


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Subject pronouns In order to use verbs, you will need to learn about subject pronouns. A subject pronoun replaces the name or title of a person or thing.
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Punto di partenza In Italian, as in English, a verb is a word denoting an action or a state of being. The subject of a verb is the person or thing that.
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Punto di partenza The verbs andare (to go), dare (to give), fare (to do; to make), and stare (to be; to stay) are common irregular -are verbs. You will.
Point de départ In Leçon 1A, you saw a form of the verb aller (to go) in the expression ça va. Now you will use this verb to talk about going places.
Punto di partenza The verbs andare (to go), dare (to give), fare (to do; to make), and stare (to be; to stay) are common irregular -are verbs. You will.
Subject pronouns In order to use verbs, you will need to learn about subject pronouns. A subject pronoun replaces the name or title of a person or thing.
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The verb ir (to go) is irregular in the present tense
Punto di partenza Adjectives are words that describe people, places, and things. In Italian, adjectives are often used with the verb essere to point out.
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Punto di partenza Reciprocal verbs are reflexives that express a shared or reciprocal action between two or more people or things. In English we often.
P. 19 Subject pronouns In order to use verbs, you will need to learn about subject pronouns. Subject pronoun = Word that replaces the name or title of.
In order to talk about activities, you need to use verbs
Punto di partenza Adjectives are words that describe people, places, and things. In Italian, adjectives are often used with the verb essere to point out.
Subject pronouns In order to use verbs, you will need to learn about subject pronouns. A subject pronoun replaces the name or title of a person or thing.
Punto di partenza The verbs andare (to go), dare (to give), fare (to do; to make), and stare (to be; to stay) are common irregular -are verbs. You will.
il futuro I will study She will walk the dog They will read
El verbo SER.
Punto di partenza As you learned in Lezione 1B, the infinitive is the basic form of a verb. In English, it is preceded by the word to: to be, to play,
The verb ir (to go) is irregular in the present tense
Punto di partenza Although the passato prossimo and the imperfetto are both past tenses, they have distinct uses and are not inter-changeable. The choice.
Punto di partenza The verbs andare (to go), dare (to give), fare (to do; to make), and stare (to be; to stay) are common irregular -are verbs. You will.
Point de départ You’ve already seen infinitives that end in -er and -ir. The infinitive forms of some French verbs end in -re. © 2015 by Vista Higher.
Presentation transcript:

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-1 Punto di partenza The verbs andare (to go), dare (to give), fare (to do; to make), and stare (to be; to stay) are common irregular -are verbs. You will have to memorize their present-tense forms.

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-2 Use andare + a + [infinitive] to talk about what people are going to do. Note that this construction indicates movement only and, unlike English, is not equivalent to the future tense. Vai a pescare al lago? Are you going fishing at the lake? Le ragazze non vanno a ballare. The girls arent going dancing.

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-3 Generally, use the preposition a before the names of cities and small islands, and in before the names of countries or regions. Non andiamo a Roma. Were not going to Rome. Vado in Italia. I am going to Italy.

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-4 Note the use of the preposition a (to) in these examples. Maria dà le carte a Giuseppe. Maria gives the cards to Giuseppe. Do la bici a Caterina. I give the bike to Caterina.

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-5 Dare is used in these common expressions. Pina dà del Lei al professore. Pina addresses the professor formally. Diamo una mano a Leo. Were helping Leo.

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-6

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-7 The verb fare is also used in many common expressions. Massimo fa colazione al bar. Massimo has breakfast at the café. Facciamo le spese? Are we going shopping?

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A.2-8 In Lezione 1A, you learned to use stare to inquire about someones health. It is also used in the expressions stare zitto/a (to be/stay quiet) and stare attento/a (to pay attention). Stanno zitte le giocatrici? Are the (female) players quiet? Lo studente sta attento. The student is paying attention.

© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2A io 2. tu 3. Lei/lui/lei 4. noi 5. voi 6. loro andare _______ vai _______ andiamo andate _______ dare _______ dai _______ diamo _______ danno fare faccio _______ fa _______ fate _______ stare _______ stai sta _______ stanno Complete the table with the missing verb forms. vado