6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 6.2-1 There are many ways to express negation (la negazione) in Italian. The simplest way is to place the.


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Presentation transcript:

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc There are many ways to express negation (la negazione) in Italian. The simplest way is to place the word non before a verb (or an object pronoun and a verb). Lorenzo non esce con noi stasera perché è impegnato. Lorenzo is not going out with us tonight because he is busy. Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Many other expressions that begin with non can be used to make sentences negative. Non is placed in front of the verb and is followed by another word after the verb. Unlike in English, more than one negative expression can be used in the same sentence. Allora, non faccio più niente! Well, I wont do anything else! Claudia non dice mai niente a nessuno. Claudia never says anything to anyone. Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Note where the different negative expressions are placed in the sentences shown in the chart. Non precedes the auxiliary verb in compound tenses, and, depending on the negative expression, the other element follows either the auxiliary verb or the past participle. Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc non… affatto not at all Non mi piace affatto il ristorante Da Valerio. I dont like the restaurant Da Valerio at all. non… ancora not yet Lucia, non hai ancora trovato un divano per il soggiorno? Lucia, havent you found a sofa for the living room yet? non… mai never Non ho mai ascoltato la musica di Zucchero. I have never listened to Zuccheros music. non… mica not in the least, not a bit, not at all Giusy non è mica stanca. Giusy isnt the least bit tired. non… né… né neither… nor I poveri non hanno né soldi né cibo. The poor have neither money nor food. Negative expressions Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Negative expressions non… neanche … nemmeno … neppure not even Marcella non ha comprato neanche un regalo di Natale. Marcella didnt even buy one Christmas present. Non ci ha detto neppure una parola. She has not even said a word to us. non… nessuno not… anyone, no one, nobody Non abbiamo visto nessuno davanti alla moschea. We didnt see anyone in front of the mosque. non… nessuno/a not… a single, not… any Non aveva nessuna voglia di vederlo. She didnt have any desire to see him. Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Negative expressions non… niente/nulla nothing, not… anything Non faccio niente di speciale stasera. Im not doing anything special tonight. non… più no longer, not anymore, no more Barbara non esce più con il suo fidanzato italiano. Barbara isnt going out with her Italian boyfriend anymore. Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc When a negative expression is the subject of the sentence, non must be omitted. Io non ho figli, e nemmeno i nipotini. Nessuno capisce bene il conflitto di classe. No one really understands class conflict. Niente cambierà le idee del papa. Nothing will change the Popes ideas. Né Giancarlo né Domenico potrebbero accompagnarmi. Neither Giancarlo nor Domenico could go with me. Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc The pronouns niente, nulla, and nessuno are considered masculine and singular for agreement purposes. Nessuno si è stabilito in quella parte della città. No one settled in that part of town. Nulla sarebbe piaciuto ai nipoti di Tommaso. Nothing would have pleased Tommasos grandchildren. Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Use niente/nulla di plus an adjective but niente/nulla da plus an infinitive. Non cera niente di interessante al cinema. There wasnt anything interesting at the movies. Ho già guardato nel frigonon cè nulla da mangiare! I already looked in the fridgetheres nothing to eat! Non cè niente da fare! È tutto finito! Negation

6.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Alcuno/a can be used instead of nessuno/a in negative sentences. In this case, always use the singular form. Mi ha licenziato senza alcuna/nessuna spiegazione. They have fired me without any explanation. Non cè alcun/nessun problema. There isnt any problem. Negation