The Present Subjunctive Page 132 – Chapter 3 Realidades 3
The Subjunctive Up to now you have been using verbs in the indicative mood, which is used to talk about facts or actual events. Aprendo francés para mi viaje.
The Subjunctive Spanish has another way of using verbs called the subjunctive mood: used to say what one person does or doesn’t want, tell, suggest, or recommend someone else to do.
The Subjunctive A sentence with the subjunctive form has two parts connected by the word que. 1st verb = want, suggest, recommend, etc. 2nd verb = subjunctive
Quiero que tú respires lentamente. I want you to breathe slowly.
The Subjunctive Sugiero que bebas agua antes de correr. I suggest that you drink water before running.
The Subjunctive The trainer demands that the athletes stretch their muscles. El entrenador exige que los atletas estiren los músculos.
The Subjunctive You can also suggest more general or impersonal ideas using expressions such as es necesario… es importante… es bueno… etc. followed by que and a form of the present subjunctive.
The Subjunctive Es necesario que hagas ejercicio. It’s necessary that you do exercise. Es importante que los jóvenes coman bien. It’s important that the young people eat well.
2 Clauses Ella sugiere que yo aprenda francés Independent clause (stands on its own) Subject > Verb Separated by the word “que” Dependent clause (can’t stand on its own) Begins with the word “que.” Subjunctive Verb Indicative Verb
The Subjunctive Verbs that are often follewed by que + subjunctive: Decir Insistir en Necesitar Permitir Preferir (e > ie) Prohibir Querer (e > ie) Recomendar (e > ie) Sugerir (e > ie)
The Subjunctive We form the present subjunctive of most verbs the same way we form negative tú commands. YO form, drop the –o, add the subjunctive endings (opposite vowels)
Subjunctive Endings -ar verbs: -e -emos -es -éis -e -en -er/-ir verbs: -a -amos -as -áis -a -an
examples SALTAR DECIR salte saltes saltemos saltéis salten diga digas digamos digáis digan
The Subjunctive conocer- conozca ser - sea hacer - haga Don’t forget to use the same spelling changes and irregular yo form changes used with the Ud./Uds. commands. conocer- conozca hacer - haga ir - vaya ser - sea llegar – llegue cruzar - cruce
Practice I want you to go to the party. Yo quiero que tú vayas a la fiesta.
Practice The trainer suggests that we stretch before running. El entrenador sugiere que estiremos antes de correr.