FECOTAINER® The most reliable method for stool collection Alain le Loux MSc. MBA AT Medical BV, The Netherlands 1
Topics The feces of people says a lot about their health 1 More research into cancer prevention 2 Current methods of collection of stool 3 The FECOTAINER®: a unique stool collector 4 The FECOTAINER®: a patented disposable 5 Save on transmission price 6 Characteristics FECOTAINER® 7 Contact details 8 Page 2
Faeces research provides a lot of information The faeces of people reveals a lot about their health and thus plays an important role in the early identification of diseases, including colorectal cancer. Bacteriological research: Infections Chronic intestinal inflammation (Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis) Colorectal cancer Obesity Diabetes Mellitus Research on blood in stool Precancerous colorectal cancer immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Testing (iFOBT) Intestinal function Digestion Helicobacter pylori Salmonella, Shigella Campylobacter Yersinia enterocolitica Page 3
The EU wants more preventive research into cancer With more than 3 million new cases and 1.7 million deaths each year, cancer is the second biggest cause of death in Europe. Colorectal cancer is the second mortally cancer in Europe. In the early diagnosis is the chance of recovery 90%. This is possible with occult blood testing. 90% of cases of cancer occur of people over 50 years. The EU asks the Member States to roll- out preventive colorectal cancer screening programs. Page 4
Faecal Occult Blood Test The stool examination is an examination of very small amounts of blood in stool. This is the immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Test (iFOBT). The stool will be checked in the laboratory under a microscope. Blood in the stool sample may indicate a polyp or tumour in the intestines, or may have other, more innocent causes. If blood is found in the FOBT test, the doctor will discuss with the patient if further investigation is needed. In the most cases there is an endoscopy investigation needed. Page 5
Current methods of collection of feces Gathering / collecting portion stool: The patient should caught the feces itself in a pot, pan, garbage bag or newspaper A portion of the feces must be scooped into the plastic feces jar For the patients this is very inconvenient ! Problems with the current collection methods: The feces jar will be inappropriate handed (e.g. too less filled) or smeared on the outside Incorrect intake provides unreliable research and threatens the health of laboratory employees Consequence: research delayed and intake should happen again Page 6
Current methods Page 7
FECOTAINER®: a unique faeces collector The FECOTAINER® (faeces collector) has the following properties: User-friendly for patients and laboratory maximum comfort for patients (no spading of faeces, but easy to absorb) fits in the mail (only 28mm high) because of the sliding tray strong and flexible material the cover protects the feces Page 8
The FECOTAINER®: a unique stool collector 15 cm 9 cm Page 9
The FECOTAINER®: a unique stool collector Page 10
The FECOTAINER®: a patented disposable Page 11
Characteristics FECOTAINER® A unique stool collector. Offers patients a user-friendly and hygienic stool collection method. Ideal tool for large-scale population studies (iFOBTs) / colorectal cancer screening. Increases the participation in colorectal cancer screening programs Patented product. Is collapsible and can fit trough a letterbox (only 28mm high) and therefore easy to send to patients. The material is from recycle bar plastic and the supplied plastic bag is from biodegradable plastic. After ingestion and laboratory use, the FECOTAINER® can be wasted as a normal disposable. A Dutch invention and recommended by doctors. The FECOTAINER® provides the most reliable results in laboratory stool tests. Veel tekst, korter! Page 12
FECOTAINER® : A unique stool collector The most reliable method for stool collection. Reliable results ! Best method for stool collection. Increases the participation in colorectal cancer screening DEVELOPED AND PRODUCED IN THE NETHERLANDS. MADE IN HOLLAND PATENT N2004507 Page 13
Contact Company Website & e-mail AT MEDICAL BV Postbus 78077 1070LP AMSTERDAM THE NETHERLANDS WTC – AMSTERDAM Strawinskylaan 9, Amsterdam Tel: +31 20 334 20 61 Fax: +31 20 716 53 81 www.fecotainer.eu info@fecotainer.eu Page 14
www.fecotainer.eu Page 15
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