National Honor Society Induction Ceremony Dec. 6, 2012
N.H.S. History Founded in 1929, United States "To create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.“ (NHS Constitution) At ASPV for over 10 years
Leadership through Service Carlos and Kevin – Bookmobile Alejandra – Nuestros Abuelos nos Necesitan Debora – Educational posters for Public Schools; Reading with local school children Nuevo Vallarta Shreeda – 3 groups at Casa Hogar orphanage
Sharing the joy of reading since 2006
Reading with children
Como ser promotor de la lectura
CONAFE rural schools Reading advocacy workshop spring 2011
Nayarit Public Schools Reading Advocacy WorkshopSpring 2011
School libraries
Verde Valle
¡Compartiendo la pasión por la lectura!
Tri-Association award 2009
continued Rotary support
Congratulations! NHS Debo Carlos Andrea Emily Kali Jessica Lillian Kevin Ale Laura Dani Shreeda