Aggetivi - Adjectives Uso e Concordanza Use and Agreement
Aggetivi: Che sono? Adjectives describe nouns: In Italian, adjectives must agree with nouns in both gender and number For descriptive adjectives in Italian there are two patterns: Four form adjectives Two form adjectives
Four form adjectives End in –o in the masculine singular form alto, vecchio, caldo, piccolo, nuovo, italiano M. Sing.alto M. Pl.alti F. Sing.alta F. Pl.alte
Two form adjectives End in –e in the masculine singular form elegante, verde, canadese, intelligente M. Sing.verde M. Pl.verdi F. Sing.verde F. Pl.verdi
Some rules If describing a mixed gender group of people, animals, objects, use masculine plural: Francesca e il suo ragazzo sono simpatici. Adjectives that end in –one or –ona pluralize to –oni and –one, respectively. Lui è un chiacchierone. Lei è una chiacchierona. Adjectives that end in –ista stay the same for M & F Singular, but pluralize to –isti or –iste. Franco è un barista. Laura e Sonia sono bariste.
Some rules Just like with nouns, when you pluralize an adjective ending in –go, you add an h: Lungo, Lunghi; Lunga, Lunghe. Adjectives that end in –co are just weird: sometimes they add an h, sometimes not. Memorize them Pubblico, pubblici; Pubblica, pubbliche. Simpatico, simpatici; Simpatica, simpatiche. Poco, pochi: Poca, poche. Adjectives ending in –io pluralize by dropping one i Il dottore è vecchio. I dottori sono vecchi. La nonna è saggia. Le nonne sono sagge.
Buono Buono (good) has the following forms: M. Sing.Vowelbuon M. Sing. Cons.buono M. Pluralbuoni F. Sing.Vowelbuon’ F. Sing. Cons.Buona F. Pluralbuone
Grande Grande (big, large) has the following forms: M. Sing.Vowelgran M. Sing. Cons.grande M. Pluralgrandi F. Sing.Vowelgran’ F. Sing. Cons.grande F. Pluralgrandi
Bello Bello (beautiful, nice) has the following forms: M. Sing.Vowelbell’ Plural bei M. Sing. Cons.bel Plural bei M. Sing. S+consbello Plural begli F. Sing.Vowelbell’ F. Sing. Cons.bella F. Pluralbelle
Colori Here are the colours in Italian: BiancoNeroGrigio RossoArancioneGiallo Verde AzzuroBlu Porpora Viola RosaMarrone
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