Definite and Indefinite Articles Use of articles with specific and unspecified things
Definite articles All nouns in Spanish are masculine or feminine. In Spanish, the definite article (the) that accompanies a noun will match its gender and number. Definite article Noun Singular masculine El (the) Chico (boy) Plural masculine Los (the) Chicos (boys) Singular feminine La (the) Chica (girl) Plural feminine Las (the) Chicas (girls)
Definite articles (continued) Son para el concurso. El matches concurso. A los nuevos amigos. Los matches amigos. The gender of a noun must be learned. Usually Nouns ending with –o are masculine Nouns ending with –a are feminine.
Indefinite articles A noun may sometimes appear with an indefinite article (a, an or some). The indefinite article that accompanies a noun will also match its gender and number. Indefinite article Noun Singular masculine Un (a) Chico (boy) Plural masculine Unos (some) Chicos (boys) Singular feminine Una (a) Chica (girl) Plural feminine Unas (some) Chicas (girls)
Modelos El sombrero es rojo. The hat is red La blusa es azul. The blouse is blue Una camisa es buena. A shirt is good. Un chico es un estudiante. A boy is a student. Unas camisetas son marrónes. Some T-shirts are brown.