Roberto Carlos Moreno Martín-Bejarano Health and Disease Cancer
A) Introduction: Answer the questions of the video. “Animated introduction to Cancer Biology”
A) Hallmarks of cancer:. From the evolutionist point of view cancer follows the principles of natural selection
A) Physiology of cancer. ACCUMULATED MUTATIONS Is the same the iniciating-tumor-cell to the 10th generation cancer cell?
A) Hallmarks of cancer: Angiogenesis Why cancer cell spread to other parts of the body?
A) Hallmarks of cancer: Anti-angiogenic therapy
B) Hallmarks of cancer: Metástasis
B) Hallmarks of cancer: Metástasis. DIAGNOSIS
Mutacion Expansion Apoptosis Defectos en vias de senescencia o apoptosis Escape de senescencia Nuevas mutaciones Tumor maligno Tumor benigno Senescencia Apoptosis Respuesta antiproliferativa inmediata Lesion Senescencia Stem Cell B) Hallmarks of cancer: Senescencia
B) Cancer Stem Cells
B) Cancer Stem cells: 2 factors: Genetic mutations
B) Cancer Stem cells: 2 factors: Level of mutations + -
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