Antes de empezar ¿Qué me falta?
Capítulo 5B Gol de la semana: Ustedes podrán pedir comida en un restaurante.
La prueba Viernes, diciembre 5 You will be customers and I will be your waiter using the menus you created; we will use random menus, not your own. You will be required to ask and answer questions. Whatever the waiter asks, you are required to answer correctly. Therefore, you must be familiar with the food or table setting vocabulario. It might be morning, noon or evening; you will order appropriately. Also, your table will be set for you, something might be missing. Whatever is missing you will need to ask for. Once your order is taken you will write what transpired; what were you asked, what did you order, what was missing? Periods 3 and 6 will start presenting on Thursday (towards the latter half of class).
Tarea – Using the menu provided, write & answer the questions 1)Buenos días, ¿qué desea pedir? 2) ¿Qué desea para beber? 3) ¿Desea algo más? (The check please.) 4)¿Pides desayuno, almuerzo, o cena? 5)¿Qué te falta? (spoon, fork, knife)
Antes de empezar ¿Qué me falta?
Página 254, actividad 9 Taking turns at your tables. One person will hide one table item, while everyone closes their eyes. When that person asks ¿Qué me falta? open your eyes and the first person to say Te falta(n) ______. …Wins!
Practicamos With a partner, you will take turns being the waiter and the customer. Greet them and provide them with a menu. Ask and take their food and drink order (write it down). Then you will provide them with a place setting, with something missing. They will tell you they are missing something and ask you to bring it. Bring it to them. They will ask you for the bill. Add up the cost and bring it to them. Be sure to always say gracias y por favor.
¿Qué desea de comer? Using the pictures shown, how would you answer the question (3 things)?