15 December 2008Pd meeting1 News/highlights dalla CMSweek ( con qualche dettaglio su analisi dei CRAFT data ) U.Gasparini.


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Presentation transcript:

15 December 2008Pd meeting1 News/highlights dalla CMSweek ( con qualche dettaglio su analisi dei CRAFT data ) U.Gasparini

15 December 2008Pd meeting2 LHC & CMS LHC, Evans CMS, Verdee on track, ma con molte cose da fare… CRAFT

15 December 2008Pd meeting3 CMS(II)

15 December 2008Pd meeting4 Detectors & Physics

15 December 2008Pd meeting5 CRAFT

15 December 2008Pd meeting6 Data vs MC… All plots normalized to Nr. of events passing pre-selection Pre-selection: at least 2 good DT segments both in upper & lower sectors ~4.1% of events with less than 2 STA mu (3.7% in MC)

15 December 2008Pd meeting7 Tracker Efficiency Studies Efficiency is around 90% not yet the optimal value compared to pp (simulation) 1) Eff. vs pt of the STA muons (|d0| < 50 cm and |dz| < 50 cm) 2) Eff. vs d0 for STA muons (pt > 12 GeV and |dz| < 50 cm) J.Andrea/ULP Combined Track Finder Road Search Cosmic Track Finder to be understood…

15 December 2008Pd meeting8 Timing/TOF/HSCP searches

15 December 2008Pd meeting9 we could expect resolutions: cosmic global > 1-leg > 2-leg > lhcSTA* CosmicMCBon10GeV GEN-SIM-RAW sample, reconstruction in 2_1_12 Pt resolution defined as: (1/p T reco -1/p T sim )/(1/p T sim ) comparing the innermost state and its closet primary muon simhit Pt resolution: MC expectations

15 December 2008Pd meeting10 Momentum scale: 1-leg STA vs Tracker track [1/pt(1legSTA) -1/pT(Tracker) ] / (1/pt(Tk) ~ 0 ~ -12% Under investigation… requires detailed studies (B field effects? see next slides) =22.2% =22.7 % resolutions as expected

15 December 2008Pd meeting11 upper STA-leg vs Tracker track STA upper leg Tracker track [1/pt(1legSTA) -1/pT(Tk) ] / (1/pt(Tk) ~ -20% ~ -2%

15 December 2008Pd meeting12 lower STA-leg vs Tracker track STA lower leg Tracker track

15 December 2008Pd meeting13 Momentum scale: back to DT segments Bending angle difference between segments in consecutive stations B field in the outermost parts of Iron Yokes seems to be lower (~30%effect) than the current mapping value mean = -15.7± 0.1 mrad mean = -21.6± 0.1 mrad mean = -19.0± 0.1 mrad mean = -13.5± 0.1 mrad mean = -14.2± 0.1 mrad mean = -13.4± 0.1 mrad B= 3.8 T

15 December 2008Pd meeting14 Momentum scale (II) Momentum scale (II) Width of distribution compatible with mult. scattering as observed in B=0 data B= 0 B= 3.8 T =5.7 mrad =5.4 mrad mean=-8.9± 0.1 mrad mean=-8.2± 0.1 mrad mean=-11.7± 0.1 mrad mean=-12.5± 0.1 mrad mean= 0.3 ± 0.1 mrad mean= 0.4 ± 0.1 mrad mean= -0.9 ± 0.1 mrad misalignm. effects < 1 mrad mean=-8.6± 0.1 mrad mean=-7.6± 0.1 mrad

15 December 2008Pd meeting15 Energy Loss N.Kypreos/UFL Some features in the distributions, some of them understood other need to be studied

15 December 2008Pd meeting16 dE (inner E – outer E) vs. dx Distance (inner, outer) –MC/Data shape agree very well –Clear dependence on the path of track –Steps on the curve are because energy loss is less in muon chamber than in iron dE/dx as a function of innermost –Similar curve as HCAL energy- loss vs. muon energy (by Jordan D. & Efe Y.) –Material is more complicated Whole detector: air, iron, calorimeters, tracker & muon chambers … –MC/Data agrees well at low- energy region Energy Loss (II) C.Liu/Purdue

15 December 2008Pd meeting17 YB+2 SA 2 IP Nominal CRAFT_All_V3 IP IP Pt(upper)- Pt (down) / Pt (down) IP From 2.3 mm From 1.2 mrad up to 0.6 mrad From 2 mrad up to 0.9 mrad up to 1.6 mm Alignment effects Inclusion of muon alignment data slightly improve STA reconstruction: A.Calderon

15 December 2008Pd meeting T CMSSW map (B(solenoid)=3.8): T T T IEEE-NSS-2008_PID771926

15 December 2008Pd meeting19 Bfield from data 1 2 r sin 1 r sin 2 = r (sin 2 – sin 1 ) B = p T / (0.003 r) from tracker + energy loss = 29 cm = 62 cm = 62 cm r

15 December 2008Pd meeting20 B field from data… ?? CMSSW map (B(solenoid)=3.8): T T T B=1.44±.01 B=1.85±.01 B=1.48±.01 B=0.97±.02 B=1.96±.03 B=1.02±.02 issue mu+ vs mu- to be undesrtood…

15 December 2008Pd meeting21 B field from data (II)

15 December 2008Pd meeting22 B field from data (III) ??

15 December 2008Pd meeting23Conclusioni… Stiamo (velocemente?) avvicinandoci alla partenza di LHC… un sacco di lavoro da fare per capire i dati nel 2009… p.s.: se qualcuno ha da prestarmi qualche punto della patente (diciamo una decina…) gli offro una cena…