Sommaire de profil académique Academic Profile Summary Susan Brajtman, RN, PhD
Faculté des sciences de la santé / Faculty of Health Sciences Enseignement / Teaching Nsg 4302 Palliative Care Nursing HSS 4100 Death Made Visible: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Death and Dying through the Literature Nsg 3126 Professionalism and Ethics in Nursing practice
Faculté des sciences de la santé / Faculty of Health Sciences Intérêts de recherche – projets en cours / Research Interests – Current projects Palliative Care Palliative Care Research Strategic Training Program, University of Ottawa, Laval University, McGill University Interprofessional educational intervention on delirium for the palliative care team The Delirium Knowledge Test (DKT): Psychometric testing and validation Knowledge Transfer: Implementation of an innovative delirium screening and monitoring instrument into a palliative care unit. A survey of educators’ learning needs related to teaching end-of- life care in the University of Ottawa Undergraduate Nursing Program.
Faculté des sciences de la santé / Faculty of Health Sciences Intérêts de recherche – projets en cours / Research Interests – Current projects Interprofessional Education and Practice Teaching interprofessional collaborative patient-centred practice through the humanities: Partnership between SCO Health Service, the University of Ottawa and Saint Paul University Building a community of education and role models for interprofessional education for collaborative patient centred practice across the Champlain District The drama of the illness experience: Exploring what health care & theatre can learn with, from & about each other