SiPM measurement setup NINO board Adapter board Very first measurement: time difference between SiPM signal and Laser Sync (no optimization, T ambient) CAEN V1290 TDC 100 ps LSB σ = 364 ps Laser collimator
SiPM Array 25 x 50 mm x 3 mm 2 pixels 128 channels ASIC (chip on board with cover) Pixellated 10 mm LYSO detector read by 2 sides for DOI measurement (256 channels) Internal module basic ideas
Internal module advanced ideas Dual layer 5 mm LYSO detector for better DOI measurements (512 ch) PROBLEMS TO BE ADDRESSED ASIC: minimal implementation will have preamp-discriminators. In this scenario very high density cabling will be necessary for off-detector signal processing. Our goal will be to design a final ASIC with all funcionalities (ADC + TDC) with minimal wiring (serial communication). MRI compatibility: studies must be performed to identify materials and methods for magnetic compatibility and RF shielding. Pitch of 1.5 or 2.0 mm could be also archeivable for better geometrical resolution
2011 Genova tasks Design and implement a discrete system for handling SiPM matrices: 1) SiPM support board for various SiPM vendors and types 2) Preamp-discriminator board (aka NINO board) 3) TDC + trigger logic + communication board All 3 boards will be stacked together using standardized connectors: Easyness for different trials: preamp board can be implemented with various ASIC version, permititng good testability Composizione gruppo genovese: Paolo Musico: 50 % Piero Calvini: 30 % Pasquale Ottonello: 30 % Giovanni Rottigni: 30 % Richiesta al Servizio di Elettronica per 3 mesi relativo allo sviluppo del sistema “discreto”.