SCIENCE AROUND US ALONG HISTORY Statistical Study of Investigation
Matera‘s provincial departement Office «Radioactivity regional centre»
Result: Numerous areas with high risk of radon (Health and Environmental Departement)
Result : Significant natural radionuclides concentration, in particular Uranium and Thorium concentration.
sampling points of the regional area (2013) Potenza’s district 8=D Regional area’s
sampling points of the regional area (2013) Matera’s district
Main analysis carried out periodically in samples of regional or local area. Analysis conducted on samples of River water Sea water Potable water Atmospheric powder Milk Vegetables and fruit Wheat, cheese and grass Sand Fish Soil
Results: 666
In the previous graphic are represented, for example, K- 40 concentration measured in vegetables and fruit samples. The highest index of percentage was noticed in sea sediments. ( 20%)
Environmental dose range chard oranges olives apricots plum
In the following graphic is reported the monthly mean evolution of an environmental range. Measured in the course of 2013 by the two unmovable units of control (ARPAB) of continuous and remote monitoring, installed in the ITREC adjacent area of Trisaia, in Rotondella. It is presented that for technical problems the “Rotondella2” ECU didn’t provide data continouos from May to September, in the current year.
Survey conducted on samples to measure the radionuclides and “spett gamma” in Basilicata. Edited by Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Basilicata Manager Carmela Paola Fortunato - February 2014 INSTITUTIES - Provincial Department of Matera : Radioactivity Regional Centre - Regional Centres - Local Centres