Jueves 2 de octubre Máx. : 29° Mín. : 17° Hazlo ahora 3 min Too many chefs make the soup go bad.
Video Cultural What is the dish the chef is making? What meats or proteins go into the dish? What vegetables go into the dish? What grains go into the dish?
Tabú Using the sheet of paper in your group, choose 8 items to describe. Write down the descriptions according to the prompts on the next slide. When we start you will be asked to slowly describe the item without using the name itself. HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN YOU STUMP?
La Comida - Tabú Es una bebida / una comida Es de color…verde/rojo/amarillo/naranja/azul/negro/marrón Contiene muchas vitaminas / proteínas/muchos minerales. En mi opinión (NO) es /son… sano (a)(s) / delicioso (a)(s) Es una bebida / una comida típica de Francia / Italia… De tamaño es grande / pequeño. No es ni grande ni pequeño. Es redondo / cuadrado / ovalado / curvo. Es como (=) el /la
Rompecabezas As a group, complete a puzzle in as little time as possible. Remember to work as a team, too many chefs spoil the soup.
Sneek Peek What will you eat this weekend and where will you eat it? In Spanish I am going to eat a hamburger at the mall.
Number your paper 1-10 Follow the clue to the next word. Write down the complete sentence on your paper. You should start and end with the same paper. When you are finished translate the sentences into English at your seat. NEW
Escribir una Carta West Meck is a magnet school. It is 1 of 2 language magnet schools in CMS Write your fellow students at South Meck (our sister school) a letter explaining: What you eat normally at home (At least 3 sentences) What you ate this week for lunch (At least 3 sentences) What you plan to eat this weekend and where you plan to do it (At least 4 sentences) Be sure to let them know who is writing the letter and where you are writing from. (West Meck, Spanish II, Profesor Restrepo’s awesome class). It will be sent to South Meck!!!
Salida What will you eat this weekend and where will you eat it? In Spanish I am going to eat a hamburger at the mall.