Very Forward Detectors Workshop on beam position monitoring and detector alignment
19 Apr 2007 Detlef Swoboda intro to FP420 BPM workshop2 FP420 BPM workshop Scope Scope: assess adequate technology for FP420 requirements Criteria: accuracy, resolution, acquisition speed (b-b) Concept of alignment monitoring and detector positioning Development time/cost Resources: i.e. available experts for mechanical layout, integration, electronics
19 Apr 2007 Detlef Swoboda intro to FP420 BPM workshop3 Workshop structure FP 420 Requirements Alignment requirements detector Alignment moving beam pipe Alignment strategies of other movable LHC detectors FP 220 Alignment requirements TOTEM Alignment LHCb-VELO Beam Position Monitors BPM design Signal Processing for BPMs DESY experience with BPMs and moving beampipes Discussion and conclusions
19 Apr 2007 Detlef Swoboda intro to FP420 BPM workshop4 FP420 locations
19 Apr 2007 Detlef Swoboda intro to FP420 BPM workshop5 Pre-design Version #3
19 Apr 2007 Detlef Swoboda intro to FP420 BPM workshop6 Detector and moving pipe