International Awards Judging Tuesday 12 May 2015 UNB Fredericton
2 International Award Judging Typically one or two International projects attend the CWSF. Judged by an Excellence Award judging team in the morning. Recommend a Gold, Silver or Bronze Medal
3 Judging Form Use the rubric to assign a level to Parts A, B and C for the project. In addition to the Level, please assign a single letter rating: H (high), M (medium) or L (low) that reflects the quality of the project and its strength relative to the other projects you have assigned the same level. Note: Finalists will not see this sheet. Part A: Scientific Thought Level 1 - 4Rating (HML) Part B: Originality & Creativity Level 1 - 4Rating (HML) Part C: Communication Level 1 - 4Rating (HML) Judging Notes Notes on your verbal feedback GoldSilverBronze 4H 4M 4M
4 Final Result International Awards Final Results Résultats finaux – Médailles internationals Canada-Wide Science Fair / Expo-sciences pancanadienne Medal / Médaille Gold, Silver, or Bronze / Or, argent, ou bronze Project Number Numéro du projet Title (Abbreviated) / Titre (abrégé)
5 Please be Generous The International projects have won a major award in their own country, their trip to the CWSF. Thus most of them are of high quality.
6 Questions ?
7 Thank You for your contribution to the Canada Wide Science Fair