Induction Interview & Probation Period Entretien d’entrée en fonctions et période probatoire Good morning, My name is xxxxx and I’m working in the Human Resources Department. Today’s presentation is focused on your first year at CERN and more precisely on the Induction interview and the probation period. HR Frontline – 2014
HR Department Structure Centres of expertise Head Office Frontline Learning & Development Talent acquisition Compensation Benefits Research Sector Accelerator Administration First of all, let me show you how our Department is organised, based on a service and delivery partnership approach. The office of the Department Head hosts different functions such as the Diversity Office, the Legal Advice, Strategy and Development, administrative support and Member-States relations. Then, we have 3 Centres of Expertise specialized in Talent Acquisition, Compensation & Benefits, Learning & Development As CERN’s global structure, our Frontline has been organized in three main sectors. You will therefore find a FL team for the Administration sector, one for the Research and one for the Accelerators. Strategy & Development MS relations, Legal, Admin. support Diversity CERN Induction Programme
HR key contacts for Fellows Katharine THOMAS-CHEVREUX Fellowship programme coordinator 74471 Katerina JANAQI 71816 Géraldine BALLET 74151 If we go more in details in the HR department, your main points of contact will be: KTC for the fellow population. She coordinates the fellowship programme. You will hear more from her at the Quaterly session. And a team of Human Resources Advisors, commonly called HRAs, available to guide you with all the HR-related questions you may have as staff members. You will find their contact details on our web pages. CERN Induction Programme
HR key contacts for Staffs : Frontline (HRA) Human Resources Advisors RESEARCH Lore TAILLIEU HRA for IT 62644 - 168558 Donia GRANDCLAUDE assistant for the Research sector Michel GUYE-BERGERET HRA for PH 72045 - 169429 Marie-Laure RIVIER Group Leader Frontline 79866 - 168946 Marie-Luce FALIPOU Deputy Group Leader 74701 - 161210 ACCELERATORS Donna AVY CARMONA HRA for BE 62998 - 161763 Isabel PUMARES ARGÜELLES HRA for TE 62954 - 167030 Florence LICCI-OUNNOUGH HRA for EN 79189 - 161306 Sebastian BOTT assistant for the Accelerator sector Estela PAJOT administrative assistant - CERN projects ADMINISTRATION Roland BAUMANN HRA for DG, DGS, PF 62920 - 163405 Christille DE POIX HRA for GS 63335 - 167510 Emeline DOLMAZON assistant for the Administration sector Aurélie FAVRE-CHOY HRA for HR 79344 Florence LICCI-OUNNOUGH HRA for FP 79189 - 161306
The probation period (1 year) Induction interview First 6 weeks Mid-Probation meeting After 5 months End of probation meeting After 11 months Probation periode at CERN lasts 12 months. You receive specific support along this first year where you are going to go through different important steps, three formal milestones. 1. The first one is the Induction Interview, mandatory for staff members and highly recommended for fellows. In the first 6 weeks of your contract, your supervisor and you will define the work objectives to achieve during the probation period. This interview is also an opportunity for a dialogue and to talk about your training needs. In parralel, you will be invited by your HRA in order to discuss about your integration at CERN and your work objectives if they have been already identified. At this stage, it is very important that you fully understand what is expected from you so don’t hesitate to clarifiy your objectives with your hierarchy and discuss it with your HRA. 2. Then, the staff members will have two other interviews after 5 months and 11 months of service. There, your supervisor will evaluate your results based on the work objectives as defined. Once again, you will have the chance to discuss and get feedback from your supervisor and then your HRA about your performance so far and the supervisor’s assessment. If all goes well, as it is in most of the cases, your appointment will be confirmed and you will receive an official notification. Of course, the whole process is transparent and you will receive an electronic copy of all the reports mentioned earlier and you will be able to approve and comment them. CERN Induction Programme
CERN Values We just talked about transparency. Our Organisation has also explicit values which drive the meta value of excellence. The values of creativity, diversity, commitment, professionalism and integrity are very present in our working environmment and are at the heart of our Code of Conduct. CERN Induction Programme
Code of Conduct This tool helps us understand how to conduct ourselves, treat others and expect to be treated in accordance with the CERN values. Link: CERN Induction Programme
CERN Competency Model These values have also been used for our Competency model introduced in 2011. The objective of this model is to provide coherent criteria throughout organisational processes to drive performance and continuous development of staff. Let’s have a look at this model more in detail. CERN Induction Programme
Le Modèle de Compétences du CERN BEHAVIOURAL COMPETENCIES It consists of Technical competencies divided into 16 domains such as IT, electronic engineering, Physics, Civil Engineering, Finance and procurement, etc. You will also find 15 behavioral competencies, for each value, you have 2 core competencies and 1 leadership competency. The CERN Competency model (CCM) was implemented in several HR processes. As an example, in the recruitment process, the VN for which you applied used technical and behavioral competencies from the model. The, druing the interview, you have been assessed based on these competencies. But this is not the only example of application and it is also used in the performance appraisal, learning and development areas, etc… It is available on our webpages and the link has been attached to this presentation. TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES CERN Induction Programme – Geneviève Guinot CERN Induction Programme Link:
Reminder & Conclusion As you could see, you won’t be left on your own during your first year at CERN and even after but keep in mind that HR Department and more specifically your HRAs are at your disposal, so don’t hesitate to contact them. Now the last item for this morning… CERN Induction Programme
Before leaving this session… From 1.30 p.m.: Meet with your DAO Arrival formalities: - Access card, Car sticker, bank account … - If applicable : appointment with the Installation service As a reminder from my colleagues, most of you will have a lunch with your supervisor, then, you will be welcomed at 1.30 pm by your Departmental Administrative Officer and you will have to accomplish some important administrative formalities including legitimation cards that are mandatory to work at CERN. Finally, you will be invited to another induction section, a second part, in September2015. Thank you for your attention and I wish you all the best for your career at CERN. Quarterly session – 23 September 2015 CERN Induction Programme