Prof. Aldo La Rovere Abilità di lettura English through Sociology Fasi di studio consigliate ai meno esperti 1.Ascolto di una definizione 2.Riascolto della definizione 3.Riascolto della definizione con pause intermedie per la ripetizione ad alta voce, da parte del candidato, della parte della definizione ascoltata 4.Come la fase precedente, fino ad una discreta acquisizione della pronuncia del testo che si legge 5.Come le fasi precedenti per le altre definizioni
Prof. Aldo La Rovere Category: ECONOMY English through Sociology Lettura delle definizioni incluse nella categoria semantica: Group Organization Race Science Economy Beliefs (mixed items)
Prof. Aldo La Rovere capitalism An economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution in which the goal is to produce profit. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere globalization The development of extensive worldwide patterns of economic relationships between nations. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere absolute poverty The minimal requirements necessary to afford minimal standards of food, clothing, health care and shelter. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere welfare Government aid (in the form of services and money) to the poor. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere income Payment of wages usually earned from work or investments. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere affluent society An account of American society that emphasizes the apparent wealth and material fascination and well-being of a large segment of the middle-classes and above. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere strike A temporary work stoppage by a group of employees. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere automation The replacement of many workers by machines, as well as the monitoring and coordination of workers by machines with only minimal supervision from human beings. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere conflict A clash of interest, sometimes escalating to active struggle, between individuals, groups or societies. English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere achieved status A position obtained through the personal ability and effort English through Sociology Category: ECONOMY
Prof. Aldo La Rovere Next Category: BELIEFS