Prof. Aldo La Rovere Abilità di lettura English through Sociology Fasi di studio consigliate ai meno esperti 1.Ascolto di una definizione 2.Riascolto della definizione 3.Riascolto della definizione con pause intermedie per la ripetizione ad alta voce, da parte del candidato, della parte della definizione ascoltata 4.Come la fase precedente, fino ad una discreta acquisizione della pronuncia del testo che si legge 5.Come le fasi precedenti per le altre definizioni
Prof. Aldo La Rovere Category: SCIENCE English through Sociology Lettura delle definizioni incluse nella categoria semantica: Group Organization Race Science Economy Beliefs (mixed items)
Prof. Aldo La Rovere sociology The study of human behaviour and societies, giving particular emphasis to the industrialized world. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere sociobiology An approach which attempts to explain the social behaviour of humans in terms of biological principles. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere anthropology A social science, closely linked to sociology, which concentrates on the study of traditional cultures and the evolution of the human species. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere bioethics Ethical questions relating to life and the biological well- being of the planet. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere ecology The study of the system of relationships between organisms and their environment. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere education The transmission of knowledge to members of society. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere demography The scientific study of human population, including size, growth, movement, density, and composition. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere statistics The branch of mathematics dealing with the collection and analysis of numerical data. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere survey A method of gathering data through which people are asked a series of questions either by an interviewer or in questionnaire form. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere sample To conduct a census of an entire population, a researcher works with a portion of that population which is representative of the population in question. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere scientific method The techniques of investigation and analysis used in the sciences to develop theories and design experiments. English through Sociology Category: SCIENCE
Prof. Aldo La Rovere Next Category: ECONOMY