Prof. Aldo La Rovere Abilità di lettura English through Sociology Fasi di studio consigliate ai meno esperti 1.Ascolto di una definizione 2.Riascolto della definizione 3.Riascolto della definizione con pause intermedie per la ripetizione ad alta voce, da parte del candidato, della parte della definizione ascoltata 4.Come la fase precedente, fino ad una discreta acquisizione della pronuncia del testo che si legge 5.Come le fasi precedenti per le altre definizioni
Prof. Aldo La Rovere Category: Mixed Items English through Sociology Lettura delle definizioni incluse nella categoria semantica: Group Organization Race Science Economy Beliefs (mixed items)
Prof. Aldo La Rovere communication The transmission of information from one individual or group to another. English through Sociology Category: Mixed Items
Prof. Aldo La Rovere mass media Forms of communication designed to reach a vast audience without any personal contact between the senders and receivers. English through Sociology Category: Mixed Items
Prof. Aldo La Rovere acute disease A short-term disease, such as influenza or pneumonia, from which a person either dies or recovers. English through Sociology Category: Mixed Items
Prof. Aldo La Rovere alienation Feelings of estrangement experienced by workers under industrial capitalism. English through Sociology Category: Mixed Items
Prof. Aldo La Rovere crime Any action that violates criminal laws established by political authority. English through Sociology Category: Mixed Items
Prof. Aldo La Rovere authoritarian A set of distinctive personality traits, including conformity, intolerance, and an inability to accept ambiguity. English through Sociology Category: Mixed Items
Prof. Aldo La Rovere law A written rule established by a political authority and backed by government. English through Sociology Category: Mixed Items
Prof. Aldo La Rovere peasants Farm workers in agrarian societies. English through Sociology Category: Mixed Items
Prof. Aldo La Rovere Category: Mixed Items