Describing the Weather Jessica Knapp pg. 226
hacer The Verb “Hacer” is used as “it is” and is used to talk about weather Examples: Hace mucho calor: it is very hot Hace mucho frio en Alaska: it is very cold in Alaska
Que tiempo Hace? Hace (mucho) calor (mucho) fresco (mucho) frio (mucho) sol (mucho) viento (muy) buen tiempo (muy) mal tiempo It is… Very hot Very cool Very cold Very sunny Very windy Very nice outside Very bad outside
Hay Hay is another way to say “it is..” to describe the weather in spanish hay mucho sol: it is very sunny Hay mucho viento: it is very windy
Other weather expressions when it is cloudy, you can say: Esta nublado- it is windy No voy a la playa porque esta nublado I am not going to the beach because it is windy
Llover and Nevar Llover and nevar are stem changing verbs You use these verbs in order to say if it is snowing or raining Llover= to rain Nevar= to snow Llueve mucho en April: It rains a lot in April Nieva en el invierno: it snows in the winter