Le, la, les words Possessive Adjectives MINE!!
My in french is mon, ma,mes... Le word/ begins with a vowel: Mon La word: Ma Les word: Mes
Your in french is ton, ta, tes Ton: le or begins with a vowel Ta: La words Tes: Plurals
LEUR, LEURS - their Leur – le/ la words, starting with a vowel Leurs - plurals
Our: Notre, nos Notre: Masculin, féminin Nos, pluriel
Your (plural) Votre: Masculin, feminin, beginning with a vowel Vos: Plural
Son, Sa, ses Son: Masculin, beginning with a vowel Sa: feminin Ses: pluriel
Ma belle mere
His, her, its
sa soeur
Leur frère
His, her, its
son poisson
Leur oncle Leur tonton
Leurs grands-parents
His, her, its
sa fille
Notre Tante
His, her its
son grand pere
Your (pl)...
Vos grands parents
Your (pl)...
Votre mari
yOur (pl)...
Votre neveu
Mon beau-pere
Your (pl)...
votre niece
Ton grand pere
yOur (pl)...
votre frere