Vámonos Conjugate the following 2 verbs: Preferir (e → ie) Comer Now use each in a sentence about food/restaurants.
Anuncios Test will be on March 10th (A Day) and March 11 (B Day). You will receive an updated grade report on that day as well, and 9 week grades go in 3/13! Duolingo is due on March 30th at midnight! See me for Unit 5 makeup work, due 3/12 at 4 pm Quiz retakes until MONDAY after school.
Nuestra Meta SWBAT use restaurant and food vocabulary to create and present a dialogue.
Repaso:Restaurante El MenúLa taza El restauranteEl cuchillo La mesera/El meseroLa servilleta Saboroso/aLa cuchara Malo/aNecesito _________. Yo quisiera...¿Quisiera algo más? ¿Me trae…?Gracias. Necesito un momento. De nada. ¿Qué quisiera…?Me gusta... El tenedorQuiero...
Translate the following sentences... Welcome to Red Lobster! Here is your menu. What would you like to drink? What would you like to eat? I like the hamburger with cheese. Do you need a minute? **use notes from last class and p. 315 as a help!** Helpful words:Necesitar--to need
Un diálogo: un ejemplo Escucha a una escena en un restaurante. Listen for: ● Ordering food (and asking questions!) ● Asking for something ● Talking at the table ● Describing the food/meal
Una escena: Un restaurante
Repaso: Frequency Siempre--always Rara vez--rarely A veces--sometimes Nunca--Never Todo el tiempo--all the time Todos los días—everyday When you finish, write 1 sentence about how often you eat a food. Ejemplo: Yo como pizza todos los días.
PBA: Dialogue Unless you want to eat the same thing every day while you are in Spain during your class trip, you will need to be able to communicate with waiters in Spanish. You will need to be able to communicate what you want to eat with the waiter. Since you don’t want to feel awkward, you and two classmates practice in class. Imagine that you and a friend are in a sidewalk café in Madrid. In groups of three, prepare a skit in which two of you will order “el almuerzo”. The third person will play the role of the waiter. You will have 30 minutes and may use your notes and a dictionary! I’ll be walking around for help.
PBA: dialogue While you are going… ● Come quickly to the front ● Speak loudly so everyone can hear you ● Don’t read directly from your notes While others are going… ● Respect with eyes, ears, and attention.
Billete de Salida Translate: 1.I rarely eat breakfast. 2.I would like juice to drink. 3.Thank you, see you later. ***LAST DAY on this pasaporte… so be sure to turn in and mark absent days!
Billete de Salida: Las respuestas 1.Rara vez, yo como desayuno a. Rara vez, yo desayuno. 2.Yo quisiera el jugo para beber. 3.Gracias, hasta luego.