Regular Affirmative Tú commands
To tell a person to do something, use an affirmative command. Tú commands are used with friends or family. The regular affirmative tú command is the same as the él/ella form of the present tense.
Command Forms InfinitivePresentAffirmative Tú command Caminar (él, ella) camina ¡Camina! comer (él, ella) come ¡Come! abrir (él, ella) abre ¡Abre!
Irregular Affirmative Commands Some verbs have irregular affirmative tú commands. Remember when you use a pronoun with an affirmative command, the pronoun attaches to the command. InfinitiveCommand DecirDi HacerHaz IrVe PonerPon SalirSal Ser sésésésé TenerTen Venirven
Commands with direct object pronouns and reflexive pronouns If you use a command with a direct object pronoun or reflexive pronoun, attach the pronoun to the end of the command. Modelo- –Cruza el parque→¡Crúzalo! –¡Levántate! –If needed, add an accent when you attach a pronoun to retain the original stress.
Examples Haz la cama. Make the bed. Ponte tu ropa. Put on your clothes. Dime la verdad. Tell me the truth.