Parte A: Escuchar 10 pts. You will choose the picture that I am describing: EJ: Me despierto temprano (picture of a person waking up) Parte B: Verbos Reflexivos 10 pts. You will be given a reflexive verb and a subject and you will conjugate: EJ: dormirse – yo me duermo
Parte C: ¿Normal o raro? 6pts. You will read a sentence and decide whether it’s normal or weird. EJ: Por la tarde me despierto temprano. Parte D: ¿Reflexivo o no? 7pts. You will read a sentence and circle the verb, you must decide whether you need reflexive or not. EJ: Yo (me lavo, lavo) el pupitre.
Parte E: Selección múltiple 12pts. Parte F: Las preguntas 15pts. You will answer 6 questions in Spanish using complete sentences. Parte G: Las traducciones 19pts. You will translate 6 sentences from English to Spanish. Parte H: La rutina diaria You will write 11 sentences using pictures to describe a person’s daily routine. Ej: Pedro se baña
BONUS 3pts. Translate 3 sentences from English to Spanish TOTAL: 90 puntos