Les adjectifs
Definition: Adjectives are words that describe nouns (person, place, thing) or pronouns. Ex: The car is big, the boy is intelligent, it is cold today! In French, they “agree” with the noun or pronoun they describe. This means that French adjectives have masculine, feminine, singular and plural forms.
A Les adjectifs: masculin et féminin. 1● To make MOST adjectives (mainly regular adjectives) feminine, an e is added to the masculine form. Ex: MASCULINEFEMININE Le scooter est petit.La voiture est petite. Patrick est intelligent.Caroline est intelligente. Continued...
2 ●Adjectives ending in a consonant→ often double the consonant and add an e for the feminine form. Ex: Il est canadien → elle est canadienne. 3 ●Adjectives ending in e, there is no change. Ex: L’ordinateur est moderne → La télé est moderne. M. Lucas est drôle → Mme Lucas est drôle.
A Les adjectifs: masculin et féminin 1-DIFFERENT PRONUNCIATION2- SAME PRONUNCIATION petitpetitetimidetimide blondblondejolijolie françaisfrançaiseespagnolespagnole NOTES DE PRONONCIATION: 1If the masculine form of an adjective ends in a silent consonant (petit), that consonant is pronounced in the feminine form. 2If the masculine form of an adjective ends in a vowel or a pronounced consonant, the masculine and feminine forms sound the same. Continued...
B Les adjectifs: le pluriel Compare the forms of the adjectives in heavy print as they describe singular and plural nouns. SINGULARPLURAL Paul est intelligent et timide.Paul et Éric sont intelligents et timides. Alice est intelligente et timide.Alice et Claire sont intelligentes et timides. Continued...
B Les adjectifs: le pluriel In written French, plural adjectives are usually formed as follows: SINGULAR ADJECTIVE + -s = PLURAL ADJECTIVE If the masculine singular adjective already ends in -s, there is no change in the plural form. Patrick est français.Patrick et Daniel sont français. BUT :Anne est française.Anne et Alice sont françaises. NOTE DE PRONONCIATION: Because the final -s of plural adjectives is silent, singular and plural adjectives sound the same. Continued...
B Les adjectifs: le pluriel SUMMARY : Forms of regular adjectives SINGULAR parler timide MASCULINE PLURAL FEMININE - grand -s grands -es grandes -e grande françaisfrançaises also: