Casa Ideal El Vendedor y El Cliente Español 1B
Objetivo: to be able to spontaneously answer questions regarding the house that you are “selling” There are 10 possible questions that you will need to be able to answer using complete sentences without notes in Spanish. Begin by writing each question with a corresponding detailed answer. Next, you will need to practice these questions out loud by yourself. Then, you will practice asking and answering each question with an assigned partner. Come see your teacher to be assigned a partner. You need to practice enough so that you don’t need your paper in front of you to answer each question. This is when you know you have practiced enough for today. Don’t forget to practice at home in preparation for the presentation next class. Just because you can answer all the questions now, doesn’t mean you will be able to do so next class.
Presentaciones Situación: One person is selling a house (el vendedor). The other person is interested in buying the house (el cliente) and has questions for the seller. Pasos: Your teacher will randomly choose 2 students to present (el vendedor y el cliente). Each student will receive a set of questions on notecards that they will ask his or her partner. El cliente can read the questions from the notecards, but el vendedor will not have any resources to help with his or her answers. Please remember that your answer must correspond to the written project.
Las Preguntas ¿Cuántos cuartos hay en la casa? ¿Hay un sótano? ¿Cómo es la casa ? ¿Tiene un garaje? ¿Para cuántos coches? ¿Cuántos piso hay en la casa? ¿Qué hay en la casa? ¿Hay muebles? ¿Cuántos baños hay? ¿Dónde están? ¿Hay algo especial? ¿Dónde está el lavadero? Y ¿Qué hay en el cuarto? ¿Dónde está la casa? ¿Cómo es el patio?