Past participles used as adjectives
You can use the past participle to describe an injury or a part of the body. For –ar verbs, drop the ar and add ado For –er/-ir verbs, drop them and add ido
torcer → torcido → sprained hinchar → hinchado → swollen herir → herido → hurt cortar → cortado → cut
infectar → infectado → infected quemar → quemado → burned vendar → vendado → bandaged This works for all regular past participles.
Here are some irregular past participles romper → roto → broken abrir → abierto → open
When used as adjectives, they must agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. Tengo el tobillo torcido. My ankle is sprained.
El muchacho tiene las uñas infectadas. The boy’s nails are infected. ¿Tienes la cara quemada? Is your face burned?