Monday-Tuesday 12/8/13-13/8/13 Please remember to get your folder! Practice entering the classroom properly. You will need a textbook today, so please get one. First Five Practice dictation with your group. Get out your ghetto board. Take turns dictating words. Be prepared to share your acrostic! Agenda Start Up Review Colors (Make Sure You Have Those) Where Spanish is Spoken Wrap UP
Colors en español red= rojo orange= anaranjado yellow= amarillo green= verde blue= azul purple= morado pink= rosado brown= marrón/café gray= gris black= negro white= blanco arco iris= rainbow Color Questions ¿Qué color es…?
Share Your Acrostic Musical Chairs Share
EQ: How do people around the world use Spanish? SU: What do you already know about our EQ? Word Splash
How do people use Spanish? Infographic: infographic/ infographic/
Where do people use Spanish? Textbook p See Notes
¿De dónde eres? Practice Speaking ¿De dónde eres? Where are you from? Yo soy de….I am from…. Do you remember these phrases??? ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo
Leccion Preliminar Preview Use the textbook (or online textbook) to complete the activities. This will be homework after today DUE MONDAY/TUESDAY next week. Don’t procrastinate! There is a lot of information here!
Wrap Up Your completed work from today is your exit ticket! Please remember: Stay seated when the bell rings. Listen quietly to the afternoon announcements. Let 1 st load bus riders leave first.
Wednesday-Thursday 14/8/13-15/8/13 Please remember to get your folder! You will need a textbook today. We have a lot to do today!!! Get ready! First Five 1. Get lime green card with an “alter ego.” Practice the dialogue with 3 other people of your choice. 2. What conversational Spanish phrases do you already know? Write as many as you can on a piece of scrap paper.
EQ: How can I use conversational phrases in Spanish? SU: You know that list you just made? Share ideas with your group. You are in a competition to see which group can come up with the most conversational phrases! Be prepared to share your list after 2 minutes of team time. You may use what you have already started and just add to it.
Hola, ¿qué tal? *Abran los libros a p. 2. Vocabulario saludo- greeting hola- hello buenos días- good morning (day) buenas tardes- good afternoon buenas noches- good night/evening adiós- good bye hasta mañana- until tomorrow hasta luego- until later
Más Vocabulario ¿Qué tal?- How are you? (very informal) ¿Qué pasa?- What's happening? ¿Cómo estás?- How are you? (informal - tú) ¿Cómo está usted?- How are you? (formal - Ud.) bien- good más o menos- more or less (ok) regular- regular así así- so so mal- bad ¿Y tú?- And you? señor- mister/Mr. señora- ma'am/Mrs. señorita- miss
Let’s Act! Volunteers are needed to act out the scenes from the book! (p. 2-3) Actividad: A Responder p. 3 Now, categorize the vocbualario in your apuntes (notes).
¿Cómo estás? and ¿Cómo está usted? both mean How are you? (p. 5) So…. What’s the deal!? One is formal, and the other is informal. In Spanish, it is very important to be respectful to people! túUsted (Ud.) ¿Cómo estás? and ¿Y tú? Familiar phrases used with: · A person your own age · A relative · A person you call by his or her first name Other familiar greetings: ¿Qué tal? and ¿Qué pasa? ¿Cómo está usted? and ¿Y usted? Formal phrases used with: · A person you don’t know · Someone older · A person to whom you want to show respect *A person who you should not call by his/her first name is an usted to you!
Buenos días (p. 5) According to the time of day, greet your partner as if he or she were the following people. Use a formal or informal greeting depending on whom you address. This is for team points! Ex. 1. your best friend/10 p.m. A: Buenas noches. ¿Qué tal? B: Muy bien
¡Mucho gusto! Open your book to p. 6. Review all of the different ways to introduce people. (Notes) What do you notice? Think, Group, Share
Why are some of these phrases different? In Spanish, the pronoun changes depending on who you are talking about. We do the same thing in English.... My name is _____________. Her name is ______________. His name is _______________.
There’s just one more thing… In Spanish, it does matter who you are talking about! Me llamo - My name is (Literally: I call myself) ¿Cómo te llamas? - What is your name? -Informal! (Literally: How do you call yourself?) ¿Cómo se llama? - What is your name? -Formal! (Literally: How do you call yourself?)
A Practicar 1. ¿Cómo se _____________ ellos? 2. Me llamo Helena. ¿Cómo te ___________ tú? 3. Por favor, señor, ¿cómo se ____________ usted? 4. Mucho gusto, me _____________ Daniel. Don't worry! The most important ones to remember are how to ask a person what their name is and how to respond. Practice by having a conversation with 3 people: A. ¿Cómo se llama? B. Me llamo ___________. A. Mucho gusto./Encantado. B. Igualmente.
Te presento a... and Le presento a... Presento means "I present" Te is used for tú (informal) Te presento a...= I present you (informal)... Le presento is used for usted (formal) Le presento a...= I present you (formal)... Practice: In your team, take turns introducing one another.
More about formal & informal… ¿Cómo te llamas? and ¿Cómo se llama? are both used to ask What is your name? Te presento a … and Le presento a… both mean I’d like you to meet… túusted (Ud.) ¿Cómo te llamas? and Te presento a… Familiar phrases used with: · A person your own age · A relative · A person you call by his or her first name ¿Cómo se llama? and Le presento a… Formal phrases used with: · A person you don’t know · Someone older · A person to whom you want to show respect *A person who you should not call by his/her first name
Which would you use for the following people? túusted (Ud.) Word Bank: parent, classmate, coach, friend, teammate, boss, teacher, young child, family member
Practice Using These Phrases ¿Cómo te llamas? (p. 8) Conversación (p. 8)
Movie Time! Greetings & Small Talk Salsa
Wrap Up Phew! You made it!!! Exit Ticket: What did you learn today? Do you have any questions? Your Greetings & Small Talk activity and notes are homework due Monday/Tuesday.