In your notebooks: “October 30 th, 2014” 1. Unscramble the following to make sentences. Change the adjectives if necessary! Es / Elena /atlético Juana / extrovertido / Carmen / son / y Paco / gracioso / es No / intelectual / somos / nosotros Guillermo / tímido / y / son / Anita
Solución Elena es atlética. Juana y Carmen son extrovertidas. Paco es gracioso. Nosotros no somos intelectuales Guillermo y Anita son tímidos.
Nouns and Definite articles Read page 68 with your partner!
Grammar A NOUN is a person, place, idea or thing An ARTICLE is The, a, an, & some What are some articles in Spanish? El, la Los, las
MasculineFeminine SingularELLA PluralLOSLAS Definite articles
Adjective-Noun agreement In Spanish, Adjectives (words that describe nouns) must agree with the nouns by GENDER (masculine/feminine) QUANTITY (singular/plural) El libro es aburrido. (masculine singular) Los libros son aburridos. (masculine plural) La fruta es deliciosa. (feminine/singular) Las frutas son deliciosas. (Feminine/plural)
When we describe things in Spanish..we HAVE to use the article ¿Cómo es la pizza? What is (the) pizza like? Even if it’s pizza in general. La pizza es deliciosa. The pizza is delicious Me gusta la pizza. I like (the) pizza. (all pizza in general).
Los artículos *if the noun ends differently than –o or an –a 1. look up the word 2. find out if the word is (m) or (f) 3. decide if it is (s) or (pl) and use the correct article (el, la, los o las) ____ coliflor (cauliflower) ____ limón (lemon/lime) ____ papel ____ clase