Spanish Contractions and how to say “to the” and “of the”
The four ways to say “the” in Spanish: El La Los Las
a How do you say “to” in Spanish?
a el a la a los a las Put them (a + definite articles) together to make “to the”. One of the following is incorrect.
“a el” is wrong! The correct form is one of only two Spanish contractions: al The answer is:
al a la a los a las Summary/ How to say “to the”:
Examples 1.I’m going to break. 2.Are you going to lunch? 3.He goes to the museum. 1.Voy al descanso. 2.¿Vas al almuerzo? 3.Él va al museo.
Examples 1.I’m going to class. 2.Are you going to the museums? 3.He goes to the classes. 1.Voy a la clase. 2.¿Vas a los museos? 3.Él va a las clases.
Transfer the skill to the other contraction. How do you say “of” or “from” in Spanish? de
Which is incorrect?: de el de la de los de las Put them (de + definite article) to make “of/from the” in Spanish.
The correct form is: del The incorrect form is de el
del de la de los de las Summary/ How to say “of/from the” in Spanish.
Práctica 1.I am calling from downtown. 2.Are you walking from the library? 3.Maria is from the United States. 4.We study from the notes. 1.Llamo del centro. 2.¿Caminas de la biblioteca? 3.Maria es de los Estados Unidos. 4.Estudiamas de los apuntes.