ALC 124 Martes el 29 de marzo
Dictación/objetivo Ponte de pie enfrente del pupitre.
Objetivo Yo puedo anotar las palabras claves del capítulo en las notas de Cornell
ALC 124 Martes el 29 de marzo
ALC 124 Write 5 traditions that your family has.
Usa tu propio papel para formar las notas de Cornell.
Chapter objectives Describe holiday celebrations Talk about your family and relatives Describe people, places, and situations in the past Talk about how people interact Understand cultural perspectives on holidays and special events
Manners and customs abrazar besar darse al mano despedirse los modales saludar sonreír To hug To kiss To shake hands To say goodbye Manners To great To smile
Talk about people el/la bebé contar (o-ue) chistes llevarse bien/mal llorar los mayores los parientes reírse reunirse Baby To tell jokes To get along well, badly To cry Grown ups Relatives To laugh To meet
Talk about special events alrededor de el aniversario casarse charlar la costumbre cumplir años el desfile el dia festivo Around Anniversary To get married To chat Custom To have a birthday Parade Holiday
divertirse enorme ¡Felicidades! felicitar la fiesta de sorpresa los fuegos artificiales To have fun Enormous Congratulations! To congratulate Surprise party fireworks
hacer un picnic nacer regalar la reunión To have a picnic To be born To give (gift) Gathering
Discuss the past antiguo frecuentemente había mientras recordar old, antique frequently there was/were while To remember
Este – esta ese- esa This and these have ts, that and those don’t. Estos-esta Esos -esas
Juego: este-esta Arrange the desks into an oval Select a leader of the group. The fork will be passed in one direction The spoon will be passed in the opposite direction. Only the leader can give the answer.
Este es un tenedor. ¿Un qué? Un tenedor. Esta es una cuchara. ¿Una qué? Una cuchara.