Noun adjective agreement
You already know that every word in Spanish has a gender: masculine or feminine. El chico = masculine El vestido (dress) = masculine La chica = feminine La camisa (shirt) = feminine
Adjectives describe nouns. –Ex: the fast car, the red dress, the happy girl. Like the definite (el, la, los, las) and indefinite articles (un,unos, una, unas), the adjectives will also “agree” or “match” with the noun it describes based on:
Nouns can also be a subject but is defined as person, place, thing, or concept. Subject is the person/thing doing the action Verb is an action
In English, you say “the red shirt.” In Spanish, you need to do the following: 1. Decide the gender of the noun. 2. Decide the number of the noun. 3. Form the adjective to match. 4. Put the adjective AFTER the noun. (This is almost always the rule in Spanish) ADJECTIVE AFTER!!!!
So, “The red shirt.” The shirt = la camisa. red = rojo. 1.Gender of the noun? La camisa = feminine La camisa = feminine 2. Number? One shirt = singular. 3. I need to form the adjective to agree with the noun. Make rojo feminine = roja. 4. Put the adjective after the noun: La camisa roja.
What if it’s plural???? Let’s try “The black pants.” Los pantalones = pants. Negro = black. 1. Gender? Los = masculine. 2. Number? Los is plural, because “el” is the article for a singular masculine noun. The adjective has to become masculine and plural. Negro -> negros. Adjective After = Los pantalones negros.
Your turn! Use your vocab lists to describe the following: 1. The yellow dress= El vestido amarillo 2.The red shirts. ___________________ 3.The blue skirt. ___________________ 4. The orange pants. ________________
Let’s throw in some indefinite articles: 1. A brown jacket. __________________________ 2.Some white skirts. ____________________ 3.A green hat. ____________________ 4.Some orange pants. ______________________ ______________________
Mix-up! Try these with a partner: 1. The sweater is white. 2. The girl is hard-working. 3. The teacher (m) is boring. 4. The blue pants. 5. The jacket is purple. 6. Some yellow sweaters.
Llevar=to wear LlevoLlevamos LlevasX LlevaLlevan
¡Vamos a escribir! On a half sheet of paper. Please write in Spanish in a complete sentence, what each person is wearing.Include colors!
Just pick one person