Español 2 Ago 22-31 Go over the Binder setup Go over the textbook, websites, rules TB Review: Alphabet Class commands.


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Presentation transcript:

Español 2 Ago Go over the Binder setup Go over the textbook, websites, rules TB Review: Alphabet Class commands.

Ago Homework: Study alphabet and go over the classroom commands. Due 8/30-31

1. Raise your hand please= Levanten la mano por favor 2. Sit down please= Sientense por favor 3. Silence please= Silencio por favor 4. Excuse me = ¿Cómo?/Perdon/Disculpe/ Con permiso 5. Tell me = Digame / dime 6. May (Can) I go to the bathroom, please ?= ¿Me permite ir al baño, por favor? ¿(Puedo) ir al baño, por favor ? Classroom commands

7.May (Can ) I have a drink, please ? = ¿Me permite (puedo) tomar agua, por favor? ¿Me permite (puedo) beber agua, por favor? 8.May I blow my nose ?= ¿Me permite (puedo) sonarme la nariz ? *¿Me permite un Kleenex, por favor ? 9.May I throw it away= ¿Puedo botarlo? 10.Nothing = nada 11.Page= página 12.Get out a piece of paper= Saquen una hoja de papel Classroom commands

13.Close your textbook, please = Cierren sus libros de texto, por favor 14.See you later = Hasta luego / Adios 15. See you tomorrow = Hasta mañana 16. Remain seated= Permanescan sentados 17.Open your textbooks= Abran sus libros de texto. Classroom Commands

18. May I go to the clinic ?= ¿Me permite (puedo) ir a la clinica ? 19. May I sharpen my pencil, please? ¿Me permite (Puedo) afilar mi lápiz, por favor? ¿Me permite (puedo) usar el sacapuntas? 20.Clean your area= Limpien su area 21.Take notes= Tomen apuntes 22.Questions?= ¿Preguntas? Classroom Commands

23.Slow down, please= Más despacio, por favor 24.Can you repeat that, please? = ¿Puede repetirlo, por favor? 25. Repeat please = Repita por favor 26. May (can) I go to the office?= ¿Me permite (puedo) ir a la oficina? Classroom Commands

SP1 review verbs 1.Ser= 2.Gustar= 3.Estar= 4.Tener= 5.Hablar= 6.Necesitar= 7.Ir= 8.Hacer= 9.Leer= 10. practicar= 11.comer= 12.Nadar= 13.Poder= 14.Jugar= 15.Montar= 1.To be 2.To like 3.To be 4.To have 5.To speak/ to talk 6.To need 7.To go 8.To do 9.To read 10.To practice 11.To eat 12.To swim 13.To be able to/ can 14.To play 15.To ride (on)

SP1 review verbs 16. usar= 17.Sacar= 18.Decorar= 19.Romper= 20.Traer= 21.Venir= 22.Faltar= 23.Visitar= 24.Bailar= 25.Cantar= 26.Dibujar= 27.Enseñar= 28.Escuchar= 29.Esquiar= 30.Estudiar= 16.To use 17.To take out 18.Decorate 19.To break 20.To bring 21.To come 22.To be missing 23.To visit 24.To dance 25.To sing 26.To draw 27.To teach/ to show 28.To listen 29.To ski 30.To study

SP1 review verbs 31. pasar= 32.Patinar= 33.Preparar= 34.Tocar= 35.Trabajar= 36.Beber= 37.Comprender= 38.Correr= 39.Ver= 40.Compartir= 41.Escribir= 42.Encantar= 43.Vestir= 44.Saltar= 45.Cortar= 31.To pass 32.To skate 33. to prepare 34.To touch / play an instrument 35.To work 36.To drink 37.To understand 38.To run 39.To see/ watch 40.To share 41.To write 42.To like/ love/ enchant 43.To dress 44.To jump 45.To cut

SP1 review verbs 46.saludar= 47. Hay= 48.Pasear= 49.Decir= 50.Caminar= 46. to salute/ greet 47.There is / there are 48.To stroll 49.To say 50.To walk

Comienzo 2-1 Aug 28- Aug 29 Write the letter like you will spell it Exp: H = Hache 1.L=5. W = 2.Q=6. J = 3.X=7. F = 4.Z=8. R =

Comienzo 2-2 Aug 30- Aug Silence, please = 2. Questions? = 3. Tell me = 4. Take out your textbooks = 5. Good morning= 6. May I go to the bathroom, please? = 7. May I throw it away= 8. May I have some water, please ? =

SP2 Aug Comienzo 2-1, 2-2 Review alphabet in class Get into groups and spell words from dictionary –Dry erase board activity in group –Compose a word using Spanish letters to spell thru dictation with front neighbor –With dictionary given to the students have front neighbor students spell to other student a Spanish word and have each other grade the outcome. Check binders Review the classroom commands Group activity Give the rest of the spanish 1 verb list

SP2 Repaso de los verbos Verb review. 1.buscar- to look for 2.(escuchar- to listen) 3.mirar- to watch 4.(sacar- to take out) 5.llevar- to carry, to wear 6.(estudiar- to study) 7.(correr- to run) 8.(caminar- to walk) 9.andar- to ride, to walk 10.lavar- to wash

SP2 Repaso de los verbos 11.(escribir- to write) 12.ayudar- to help 13.cuidar- to take care of 14.organizar- to organize 15.(hablar- to talk) 16.tomar- to drink, to take 17.pescar- to fish 18.(nadar- to swim) 19.(comer- to eat) 20.(tocar- to play (inst), to touch)

SP2 Repaso de los verbos 21.(visitar- to visit) 22.esperar- to wait, to hope for 23.pintar- to paint 24.(trabajar- to work) 25.(beber- to drink) 26.(practicar- to practice) 27.(preparar- to prepare, to cook) 28.(necesitar- to need) 29.comprar- to buy 30.vender- to sell

SP2 Repaso de los verbos 31.(bailar- to dance) 32.(cantar- to sing) 33.(esquiar- to ski) 34.limpiar- to clean 35.aprender- to learn 36.(comprender- to understand) 37.vivir- to live 38.pagar- to pay 39.llamar- to call 40.recibir- to receive

SP2 Repaso de los verbos 41.llegar- to arrive 42.cocinar- to cook 43.(dibujar- to draw) 44.asistir- to attend 45.descansar- to rest 46.viajar- to travel 47.entregar- to turn in 48.creer- to believe 49.abrir- to open 50.contestar- to answer

SP2 Repaso de los verbos 51.preguntar- to ask a question 52.responder- to respond 53.entrar- to enter 54.(usar- to use) 55.(ver- to see) yo veo 56.dar- to give yo doy 57.(hacer- to do) yo hago 58.salir- to leave yo salgo 59.poner- to put yo pongo 60.saber- to know yo sé

SP2 Repaso de los verbos 61.conocer- to know yo conozco 62.cerrar-(ie) to close 63.pensar-(ie) to think, to plan 64.(jugar-(ue) to play a sport/game) 65.(poder-(ue) to be able to) 66.volver-(ue) to return 67.dormir-(ue) to sleep 68.morir-(ue) to die 69.repetir-(i) to repeat 70.(ir- to go)

Repaso de los verbos 71.(ser- to be (origin, description)) 72.(estar- to be (feelings, location)) 73.(tener- to have) 74.(venir- to come) 75.(decir-to say)

Sp2 Aug 30- Aug 31 Tarea: Study the ABC and the classroom commands. The spanish 1 verbs ( the 1 st 50 verb list)