¿Qué vamos a aprender? LEARNING INTENTIONSSUCCESS CRITERIA We are learning (to)… effectively decode, understand and recognize new essential vocabulary (classroom objects) evaluate language patterns to identify cognates and apply our prior knowledge of definite & indefinite articles to the new vocab. use questioning strategies to ask about objects – “How many_ are there? or “Is/are there __? And respond appropriately. We will know we are successful when we can … analyze new terms and match each one to its corresponding image with accuracy understand the new vocab. when used in questions “¿Cuántos/as…hay?” and “¿Hay? evaluate language heard when playing “Manos rápidas” game and correctly identify each new object said apply language patterns with plural nouns and articles to complete the graphic organizer correctly. play a relay race game in which we recognize when we are supposed to be racing and what object we’re supposed to be racing for ¡Buenos días! Trabajo del timbre: Escriban su información en sus tarjetas de salida. Write your information on your exit slips to prepare for today’s class.
¡La exploración! Hagan parejas de palabras e imágenes. – Make pairs of words and images. – Use your background knowledge and analyze words to identify cognate patterns. – Call Sra. Moore over to check your accuracy.
la computadora el sacapuntasel tecladoel ratónla banderael pupitre el relojla mesael disquetela sillala mochilala puerta la pantallala ventanala papelerael cartelel escritorio Now to p. 100 Las respuestas We will know we are successful when we can … analyze new terms and match each one to its corresponding image with accuracy
¿Cuántos…hay? ¿Cuántas…hay? Masculine ObjectsFeminine Objects relojes mochilas pupitres papeleras escritorios computadoras understand the new vocab. when used in questions “¿Cuántos/as…hay?” and “¿Hay?
Los artículos DefinidoIndefinido singularpluralsingularplural Masculino Feminina Definite articles (artículos definidos) refer to a SPECIFIC thing “the” Can I have the pencil? (That specific pencil) Can I have the pencils? (Those specific pencils) Indefinite articles (artículos indefinidos) refer to a GENERAL thing “a”, “an”, “some” Can I have a pencil? (Any pencil, I don’t care which one) Can I have some pencils? (Any pencils, I don’t care which ones) apply language patterns with plural nouns and articles to complete the graphic organizer correctly.
Una carrera de revelos Each person will be on a team and have at least one ordinal number to wear. Sra. Moore will say a sentence like, “La primera persona tiene unos sacapuntas.” Your job is to: – listen & understand when your ordinal # was called – run up to the desk – select the correct picture for the object(s) & hold it up first play a relay race game in which we recognize when we are supposed to be racing and what object we’re supposed to be racing for