Las compras para la escuela Español Dos Vocabulario Repaso A Las compras para la escuela
Identifying School Supplies los materiales escolares school supplies
Identifying School Supplies la mochila backpack
Identifying School Supplies el lápiz, los lápices pencil, pencils
Identifying School Supplies el bolígrafo, la pluma pen
Identifying School Supplies el marcado marker
Identifying School Supplies la goma de borrar eraser
Identifying School Supplies el cuaderno, el bloc notebook
Identifying School Supplies la carpeta folder
Identifying School Supplies el libro book
Identifying School Supplies la hoja de papel piece of paper
Identifying School Supplies la calculadora calculator
Identifying School Supplies el disquete floppy disk
Identifying Clothing Articles la ropa clothing
Identifying Clothing Articles el pantalón, los pantalones pants
Identifying Clothing Articles la camisa shirt
Identifying Clothing Articles la corbata tie
Identifying Clothing Articles el T-shirt, la camiseta t-shirt
Identifying Clothing Articles el blue jean, los blue jeans jeans
Identifying Clothing Articles la falda skirt
Identifying Clothing Articles la blusa blouse
Identifying Clothing Articles la chaqueta jacket
Identifying Clothing Articles el traje suit
Identifying Clothing Articles la gorra cap, hat
Identifying Clothing Articles los calcetines socks
Identifying Clothing Articles los zapatos shoes
Identifying Clothing Articles los tenis, un par de tenis tennis shoes, a pair
Describing Clothes largo(a) long
Describing Clothes corto(a) short
Describing Clothes ¿De qué color es? What color is it?
Describing Clothes blanco(a) white
Describing Clothes negro(a) black
Describing Clothes gris gray
Describing Clothes azul blue
Describing Clothes amarillo(a) yellow
Describing Clothes anaranjado(a) orange
Describing Clothes rojo(a) red
Describing Clothes rosado(a) pink
Describing Clothes morado(a) purple
Describing Clothes verde green
Describing Clothes de color marrón brown
Identifying Types of Stores la papelería stationary store
Identifying Types of Stores la tienda de ropa clothing store
Shopping el/la dependiente(a) employee
Shopping el/la empleado(a) employee
Shopping la caja cash register
Shopping la talla size
Shopping el tamaño size
Shopping el número shoe size
Shopping barato(a) cheap
Shopping caro(a) expensive
Shopping mucho a lot
Shopping poco a little
Shopping necesitar to need
Shopping buscar to look for
Shopping mirar to look at
Shopping comprar to buy
Shopping pagar to pay
Shopping pagar to pay
Shopping usar to use, to wear (size)
Shopping calzar to wear (shoe size)
Shopping llevar to wear, to carry
Shopping hablar to speak
Shopping trabajar to work
Other Useful Expressions ¿Qué desea usted? May I help you?
Other Useful Expressions ¿Cuánto es? How much is it?
Other Useful Expressions ¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost?