De niño (niña), ¿Veías mucho la televisión? As a child, did you used to watch a lot of televisión? Answers: Sí, veía mucho la televisión. Or No, no veía mucho la televisión. It is a yes/no question, so the only possbilities are sí (yes) or no, no (no, I don’t) -The question has the tú form (veías) so the answer must have the yo form (veía)
De pequeños, ¿Cuándo iban tú y tus hermanos a la cama? As children, when did you and your brothers used to go to bed? Answers: Mis hermanos y yo íbamos a la cama a las…… Or Mis hermanos y yo íbamos a la cama [temprano, tarde] This asks for a time. You can give clock time [a las seis,etc.] or you can use words like early [temprano] or late [ tarde] -Do not be fooled by iban; Tú y tus hermanos [you and your brothers] is you all, or ustedes. If the question has ustedes, the answer has nosotros. [íbamos] -tus [your] in the question becomes mis [my] in the answer.
De chiquito, ¿Cuáles comidas te gustaban? As a small child, which foods did you used to like? Answer: Me gustaban + names of foods. -Te in a question usually changes to me in the answer. -Remember that the form of gustar depends on how many things come after it. Since you will mention more than one food you need to use gustaban
Cuando eras niño (niña), ¿Leías muchas historias? When you were a child, did you used to read many stories? Answers: Sí, leía muchas historias. Or No, no leía muchas historias. It is a yes/no question, so the only possbilities are sí (yes) or no, no (no, I don’t) -The question has the tú form (leías) so the answer must have the yo form (leía) -Note: historias means stories in this sentence, not histories
Cuando eras joven, ¿Adónde iban tú y tu familia? When you were young, where did you and your family used to go. Answer: Mi familia y yo íbamos a + place the verb iban is in the ustedes form, because you are being asked about you and your family. It the question has ustedes, the answer has the nosotros form. (ibamos). -Tú y tu familia (you and your family) in the question must become mi familia y yo (My family and I) in the answer.
Cuando tenías trece años, ¿ En cuál empleo querías trabajar? When you were thirteen years old, in which job did you wish to work? Answer: Quería ser + profession. The tú form (querías) in the question requires the yo form (quería) in the answer. Ser means “to be” -One of the professions listed will show up on the test. Some professions: Médico (doctor) Abogado (lawyer) Ingeniero (engineer) Professor/a (teacher)
¿Cuántos años tenías cuando fuiste a la escuela por primera vez? How old were you when you went to school the first time? Answer: Fui a la escuela la primera vez cuando tenía ______ años. -fuiste is one of the irregular preterite verbs meaning “you went”. Fui (I went) must be in the answer. -tenías is the tú form so the answer must be yo (tenía) -the imperfect of tener is used to express age
¿Cómo se llamaba tu primer maestro o tu primera maestra? What was your first teacher named? Answer: Se llamaba +name When you indicate someone’s name in the past, the imperfect may be used -Se llamaba in the question is the same in the answer, because él/ella verbs do not change from question to answer
¿Tenías un apodo? ¿Cuál era? Did you used to have a nickname? What was it? Answer: Sí tenía un apodo. Era _____ Even if you don’t have a nickname, the answer on the test will -Same old, same old. The tú form (tenías) is in the question so the yo form (tenia) is in the answer. -Era (was) does not change because it is talking about the nickname, not a person.
¿Dónde vivías cuando tenías cinco años? Where did you used to live when you were five years old? Answer: Cuando tenía cinco años, vivía en + place. Once again, there are tú forms in the question (vivías and tenías) so yo forms have to show up on the answer. (If you are sick of hearing this again, I am sick of typing it again so we’re even!!)
¿Qué personajes de los dibujos animados te gustaban? What cartoon characters did you used to like? Answer: Me gustaban + cartoon characters. Gustaban is correct because you are talking about more than one cartoon character. Gustaban is used because you are talking about the cartoon characters.
Spanish vocab on page 196 Know how to write in Spanish As a child (two ways) As a small child When I was young When I was a child When I was six years old (six = seis)