To tell people what they have to do, use: tener + que + infinitive
What is an “infinitive”? This means the verb is not conjugated. The easiest way to understand this, is to look at the ending of the verb. If the verbs still has its “ar” “er” or “ir” ending on it, then it is in the infinitive. Bailar Comer Escribir
Forms of tener Yo tengo Tu tienes El/Ella/Usted tiene Nosotros tenemos Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tienen Make sure to use the correct form of tener- the form you use depend on whom you are talking about.
Examples: I have to eat. Tengo que comer. (notice that “comer” still has its “er” ending on it--- it is not conjugated into “como”.) You have to sing. Tienes que cantar. (“tener” gets conjugated, but “cantar” does not)
We have to study. Tenemos que estudiar (three steps) She has to skate. Ella tiene que patinar See the three steps?
You can also use “Hay + que + infinitive” to express obligation. Hay que comer.- We have to eat. Hay que leer.- We have to read. “Hay” by itself means “there is” or “there are”. Hay 26 estudiantes.- There are 26 students. Hay libros en mi mochila.- There are books in my backpack.